Thirty Nine

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**Trigger Warning** Violent scenes ahead! Viewers please read at your own rush.

Also, Thank you all so much for the 3k reads!! Ahhh I screamed so hard when I saw it, thank you so much for your support  please be sure to also leave a vote on this chapter if you liked it.

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"Goddess above." Gerald mutters. "It looks like hell reigned here for centuries."

Genesis and the others were in the heart of Ireland, roaming the area and taking in the main village that was once occupied by the starkys species so many years ago.

"Krushaq was a very well known village with starkys that dated back from generations to generations. Other species would visit from far and wide to indulge in their festivities and habits. They were at peace with almost everyone, making sure to offer a helping hand when needed. The King and Queen always made sure to take care of everyone, even outsiders. No one was considered an outcast, They welcomed the faults of all. This used to be a very vibrant and popular place." Madeline says, looking around the area in deep thought. Her eyes were big and wide, with dilated pupils, as her gaze drifted from one thing to the next. Seemingly, as if there was a story to each object.

Contrary to her words, the area was completely desolate. There was no sign of life anywhere.  The only thing that was heard was the earth's silent whispers wishing to wither away as the smell of death lay on its carcass.

Genesis smiled as Gerald knelt down slowly, picking up a piece of rubble, his eyes closed shortly, his hands rubbing against it softly.

"What are you doing?'" Zidon asks, slightly tilting his head.

"I can feel the tears of the mother of the house where this rubble came from. They took away her daughter, then her, shortly after, to the medical room where she was tested to turn into a kryster." He says.

"You could tell all of that from that one rubble?" Genesis asks, looking at him in awe. "That's incredible."

"How does he remember so much when I can barely remember anything from the last five years." Emma

"You're capable of doing it too." Ruth says, placing her hands on her shoulder. Genesis looks at her in shock, as Gerald stood up, nodding his head at her encouragingly.

"I've never done it before." Genesis looks at Zidon as he shakes his head as well. "I don't know how."

"We can show you how. Healing requires focus. Your mind and body have to be in sync and agreement to target the object or person that you want to completely heal." Gerald says, looking at Zidon intently. Zidon looks at him in curiosity as the old man's eyes rest on his sword.

"Would you mind doing me a small favour, lad?" Gerald asks, making Genesis look at him in curiosity as well.

"Depends." Zidon says, eyeing him suspiciously.

"I need you to cut my right arm off with that sharp sword of yours." Gerald says, making Emma gasp.

"What?" Genesis blurts. "How could you-"

"He's trying to show you what he means to completely heal something. Even if it means to completely heal a body part that was amputated and reattach it." Madeline says, smiling at Genesis.

'Surely, these people are crazy.' Genesis thought.

Zidon hesitantly took his sword from where it was stowed away at his waist. He gave Genesis one last look and then proceeded to the old man that stood in front of him with his arm stretched out. 

The Queen's Sunrise | Starkys Series #2Where stories live. Discover now