Thirty Three

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"B-but I don't understand? Who brought me back home?" Genesis cried as Beverly held her near to her.

The two were in Genesis's original room. Beverly was forcing Genesis to eat but it seemed as though she'd have tears instead.

"Zidon went to look for you. At the ceremony, he knew something was wrong. Hibicus had you locked away and was intending on doing that for longer than who knows when. He came when it was too late. Hibicus had already done what he did." Beverly explained.

"B-but I didn't know it was him. I thought it was him. Because we hadn't gone through my second heat, our connection is weak. I missed him dearly, but now I don't know if Ezra still wants me." Genesis sobbed. Her heart was breaking with every gasp and sob she made.

"Genesis, you know Ezra meant no harm to his words. He's just mad that he's been away from you for so long, and you know how sacred a mate is to a Lycan. Especially the king. No one should touch you."

"I-I know." Genesis sniffed. "But, he said that my heart belongs to another. That is a lie. My heart only yearns for him."

"By no means should you feel bad. You didn't know that it was him. You are not wrong, Ezra didn't mean what he said, he's just not thinking straight right now, he did so horribly when you weren't here. He stayed in your bed, sniffed your clothes to be closer to your scent but they eventually faded."

"He never slept once, and he was always looking for you. And I just think that it's the fact that he finally has gotten you back to hear this predicament, he feels frustrated. Give it time." Beverly coos, wiping her tears. "Don't worry about it."

Genesis sniffed softly, wiping her tearful eyes and smiling at her mother in law. She nodded softly, hugging her gracefully.


"Are you here to stare me again for the fifteenth time?" Hibicus asks as the cell door opens. "Because it's getting weird now."

Zidon didn't not answer, instead, he closed the cell doors and walked towards the chains that held him, tightening them.

"What's this?" Hibicus asks, grunting as Zidon kept stretching the chains and tightening them.

"Shut up." Zidon says finally, his eyes were as cold as ever, and there was no sort of remorse in his eyes. It held something different, and for the first time in forever, Hibicus grew scared for that moment in time.

Hibicus was now open and vulnerable to Zidon, both his arms and legs spread out, his back straight against the cold wall.

"What's the meaning of this? You can't kill me, Genesis said so-"

"You killed my parents." Zidon cuts in, his tone cold and deep. "You took everything from me and yet you have the nerve to try and hurt my family once more."

Hibicus watched as Zidon took a sharp blade from the container that he had brought in, his eyes still focused on him.

Zidon then threw the blade at Hibicus, the blade slicing through the side of Hibicus' neck and landing in the board behind him.

Hibicus groaned.

"What are you doing boy. You can't kill me." Hibicus says, the warm sensation of his blood now running down his torso.

"Believe me, I can." Zidon smiles a psychotic, bittersweet smile. "And the gods know how much I want to."

Zidon then walks up to Hibicus, and in a swift movement, another blade is jabbed in the center of his chest.

"Ahhh!!!" Hibicus screams, the action was so swift that it caught him off guard.

"Shhhh. It's okay. Save your screams, you're going to need them later." Zidon lightly chuckles as he walks over to his table of toys. "We're going to have some fun."

The Queen's Sunrise | Starkys Series #2Where stories live. Discover now