Thirty Eight

375 12 4

**Picture above is Genesis :)**

Honestly sooo pretty. Took me a while to find a face claim cause all the other pictures just did not meet my expectations. This is exactly how I imagined her to be.

Happy Reading!


Ezra's wolf dashed through the woods as the thoughts of a fearful Genesis kept flashing through his mind.

He had broken his promise to her, but not necessarily. He did not want to hurt anyone in the sight of her. And yet, she was able to see the Lycan he really was.

It's not like Ezra could control himself whenever it came unto injustice. That's who he was, it was meant for him to do. He had to kill, whether he liked it or not. That was something that Genesis just had to accept even if it made her unhappy.

Ezra mentally shook his head. If only she had understood that, that's what it took to be a king. He couldn't make no mistakes. And it didn't matter if he felt sorry for whoever had to face the mercy of his wolf's wrath.

The Kryster's that had tried to attack weren't like the ones that were becoming weak and brittle. Thise would've looked any man in the eyes as they took their life in sorrow. But these Krysters....

They were different.

They were aggressive and spoke with vengeance. And even at the face of death they still refused to accept defeat. Ezra had noticed that when he left the first batch of krysters in the village compared to the ones that suddenly appeared in the woods.

Ezra shook his head again.

Those krysters have become such a nuisance and invasive species. They slowly began to invade the other packs that Ezra had and was disturbing his people's peace. As long as he was king, he always vowed to make sure that his people were safe and protected.

The krysters had brought nothing but turmoil and destruction and he was left to constantly fight and mend the damages they inflicted upon his own little mate.

A low growl escaped the Lycan wolf's mouth. He didn't like the fact that they had hurt her and got away with it. He was willing to go to the ends of the earth to make sure that each krysters that had even thought about touching her was held accountable. That each was promised to die and slow and painful death.

Ezra had been looking for Hibicus and his brother Cain. He had been searching pack after pack, acre after acre and yet, to no avail. It was as if they had disappeared from the face of the earth.

But, that didn't stop him at all.

He would not stop until he has found them. On the outside, he was calm and collective as he'd always appear. But, on the inside, he was a raging mess. His Lycan wolf wanted blood.

There was nothing it wanted more.

Well, there was one more thing.

Ezra's desire and need to feel the touch of his mate was getting stronger by the day. Surely, he had self control and would always give his mate time to come to him whenever she was ready, but,

Even the King of Lycans wasn't a saint.

His wolf missed her terribly and wanted her next to him. To hold her, touch her, kiss her and claim her. It had been so long since they have even shared a mere kiss and his wolf's patience was running thin.

Genesis's soul was calling for him. Her heat was getting stronger by the day too. It was Ezra's duty to take care of her in every way possible. It angered him that another species even got a glimpse of what was specifically hand picked by the moon goddess herself for him alone. Hibicus knew that Genesis was vulnerable when he violated his mate. He knew the moon goddess was going to punish him because he had interfered with their bond knowing it wasn't as strong as it should be at the time.

The Queen's Sunrise | Starkys Series #2Where stories live. Discover now