Forty One

272 15 2

Attention! This chapter is matured. Readers underaged are to enter at their own risk.


"I am simply taking a bath." Genesis says softly, her hands retract from her abdomen towards her chest, refusing to look at her mate.

"A bath." Ezra says only.

His voice held dominance, it was raspy and thick with desire. He had already smelled his mate's scent, his wolf was ready to please her. The pounding within her core was as loud as a heart beat, throbbing and aching for relief.

'This is unbearable.' She thought.

"Yes." Genesis says, as she frantically began to cup the water in her hands and tossed it all over her body. "I felt dirty. Especially after hearing that you had a maiden that you were close with when you were younger. Even the unmated female starkys find you pleasant. Certainly, I cannot compete with such challenges."

A low warning growl sounded from behind her, making her shake in excitement. A new feeling of heat arises within her core, making her clamp her legs together.

Genesis continued to shakily rinse herself, her breathing erratic as she heard the waters begin to move behind her. Her heart began to thump loudly in her chest. She awaited for a reply from the enormous brooding Lycan that stood behind her but then, her heart dropped when she heard nothing.

Pin drop silence.

'Did he leave?' Genesis thought.

Her heat made her feel bold. She had only wanted to tease her mate with provocative words, even if some of it showcased her jealousy for the maidens back at Krushaq.

Genesis turned around to nothing, the water still and the only sound that could be heard was the cascading water from the fall to the surface of the water.

Genesis sighed.

Not only was she hot and bothered, she was now brooding with jealousy and frustration, thinking he had returned to the village.

"Great-" a gasp came from Genesis as a pair of arms lay on each side of her arms, electricity shooting up her spine.

"Now why would I find pleasure in entertaining others when I can simply find it in pleasing you?" Ezra whispers in the shell of her air, making her shiver involuntarily. "Little one, your act of bravery is costing you in this very moment."

His hands began to slowly caress her arms up and down in a slow tortuous motion, making her bite her lips to suppress a moan. Her skin burned at his touch and her cheeks flushed from his words.

Ezra had always been decent with his words whenever he spoke to his mate. He had been gentle and loving the first two times he had claimed her.

His tone however this time did not indicate any sign of mercy.

"I've had to endure months with the thought of any man having even the slightest bit of access to what belongs to me. My patience has been hanging by a thread. I have been anxiously waiting to release my frustration. I am a man of honor that will act accordingly, but I'm afraid to say that that honor is dangerously close to being discarded."

His lips press against the delicate skin behind her ears before he slowly bit her earlobe. A soft moan manages to escape her lips, her body betraying and obeying the move of his every touch.

Ezra begins to trail lingering, slow, soft kisses along her delicate neck and he stops abruptly as the harsh breathing of his mate filled his ears.

"Let me take care of you mo grá." Ezra whispers huskily, his deep voice unfaltering. She could feel the desire that came off from him, making her body grow unbelievably hotter than before. He nipped at the sensitive area of her neck where her mark was, causing a zing of pleasure to course through her bones.

The Queen's Sunrise | Starkys Series #2Where stories live. Discover now