Thirty Seven

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*Thank you all so much for the 2k reads! It means so much to me 💗*


"Wake up." Zidon's voice booms through the dungeon as the Lycan guards stood behind him.

Genesis clutched her scarf as she held unto her son's arm firmly.

The blanket that covered the creature they had approached began to move, making the Lycan guards stand on high alert.

Genesis removed her arms from her son as she began to walk nearer and nearer to the blanket. She took a deep breath, preparing to be met with a blood thirsty kryster.

The creature then removed the blanket to reveal a site that shocked both Genesis and Zidon along with the other Lycans present.

It was a girl.

With thick blonde hair, bright emerald green eyes and her skin was pale due to being locked into the cold dungeon for quite some time.

"Where am I." The girl choked, looking at Genesis and then to Zidon.

Zidon looked the girl up and down slowly, his eyes refusing to look away from her trembling eyes.

"What's your name?" Genesis carefully asked, as she was about to grab ahold of the blanket that covered her. The girl quickly shuffled back to the wall that was behind her as she desperately held unto blanket that covered her from her nakedness.

"What do you want from me?" The girl asked sharply, her eyes swiftly looking between Genesis and her son.

"We ask the questions here." Zidon says coldly, his piercing eyes have yet to leave her small figure.

"Zidon." Genesis whispers, looking back at him disapprovingly. "If we want to ask her questions, we certainly won't get them with that tone."

The girl looked between them once more, her eyes gaze still uneasy as she looked at Zidon. Her figure visibly relaxed as she looked at Genesis.

"It's Emma." The girl responds, carefully studying the woman that was now crouched in front of her.

"Well Emma." Genesis says, fixing the blanket that was hanging on her left arm back unto her shoulders. "We don't mean you any harm."

"Yet." Zidon says, making Emma's breathing hitch. Genesis shakes her head slightly.

"Let's start with getting you into something more appropriate, yeah?" Emma nods slightly, giving her son a nervous look.

"Please fetch this young lady something suitable to wear." Genesis commands the Lycans.

"Yes, my Queen." One of them responds, nodding to her before leaving. Zidon looked between his mother and the girl before shaking his head and walking out the cell

"Excuse my son. He can be a bit intense and cautious whenever it comes unto situations as these." Genesis says, helping her off the cold floor.

"And also, rather rude." Emma mutters, making Genesis laugh slightly.


"I don't remember anything from the last 10 years." Emma says as she sipped on her rosemary leaf tea.

The two were in the sitting room of the castle, Genesis sat across from her as she continued to look at her intently.

"What do you mean? You don't remember where you have been?" Genesis asks, her frows furrowing in confusion.

"When I was 5 years old, my parents kept me underground in this little village that had a large population of others like me." Emma explains. "All I know is that we lived in fear and would always have to be quiet even though we lived underground. I also remember that there was a smell that that was so putrid, even the rooftop of the underground had purple muck on it."

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