Thirty Six

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"Where is she?" Ezra's voice booms through the hallway. Genesis' room shook at the power of The Lycan King's voice.

Her heartbeat quickened as she looked at Zidon, and then to the wound on her calf. She took the blanket that laid beside her and threw it over her injured leg.

The door burst open as Zidon quickly stood from where he sat next to his mother.

"Let me see her!" Ezra commands, walking up to the two. He shoved Zidon out of the way. "Where is it?"

"Where's what?" Zidon asks, looking at Genesis knowingly.

"Ezra." Genesis says, attempting to get up but winced at the pain that came from her leg.

Ezra's eyes immediately went to her leg and in one swift movement , he removed the blanket that his mate had attempted to hide the injury under.

Ezra looked at the injury on her leg, the emotions in his silver eyes unreadable. His eyes then met hers as Genesis looked down at her small fingers.

"Look at me." He commands softly, she doesn't listen. "Look at me!" Ezra says louder, causing her to face him.

"How did this happen?" He asks, his jaw clenched as Genesis looked away from his gaze.

"Leave us."

Zidon bowed his head slowly, looking at his mother one last time before leaving the room.

"How could you be so careless-"

Suddenly, Genesis reeled her hand back and slapped Ezra across the face. His head remained fixed, his eyes frozen in shock. Genesis huffed softly, her eyes blazing with anger.

Ezra's hand cupped his cheek.

"I'm still your queen, you cannot command me as you please!" Genesis cried out. "Especially after you've been nothing but cold towards me since I've returned from that wretched place."

"You accused me of loving someone else and made me feel bad for being drugged and touched without my consent nor knowledge by Hibicus!" She says tears streaming down her eyes.

"The only man I love is you but time and time again, you question my loyalty and love for you." Genesis says, attempting to get up but winced at the pain that surged through her calf.

Ezra placed his hand on her shoulder slowly easing her back into the bed. He turned towards her and kneeled before her, his eyes spoke a thousand words.

"Mo grá." He says his accent is thick and strong. "Gabh mo leithscéalgabh."

Genesis brows furrowed in confusion as she rubbed her swollen palm from the slap against her blanket. She had forgotten just how fragile she really was.

Ezra took his mate's swollen palm, massaging it slowly as he stared at her longingly. He brought her palm slowly to his lips and kissed it softly, his gaze never faltering.

Genesis' eyes widen, causing shivers to course through her body.

This was the first moment of affection they had shared since their misunderstanding.

"My Queen." He says. "Forgive me of my ignorance."

Genesis looked at her mate in shock, utterly shocked at his affection. His eyes held sincerity and guilt, the words that proceeded out of his mouth seemed to have been uttered from his very soul.

"I love you with everything I have." Ezra continues, rubbing her palm once more. "I was inconsiderate and neglectful towards you. I only wish to have and to hold you as my wife always and I was selfish to only think about myself, never considering how difficult it must've been for you."

The Queen's Sunrise | Starkys Series #2Where stories live. Discover now