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"How could you just take off like that so carelessly?" Zidon asks his mother as he proceeds to keep tying the hands of a detained Cain on the floor.

"Then again, we were able to catch this brute." He says with a final grunt as he pulled him up.

"Brute is too much of a compliment." Genesis says. Her eyes met a silent Cain, her heart beat picking up as he continued to look at her in silence. "He's the devil himself."

"Even that is an insult to him at most." Genesis scoffs, turning on her heel. She could feel his eyes on her as she walked ahead, making her skin crawl.

"You still have that smart mouth of yours." Cain says groggily and Zidon pushes him forward. "You never seem to change."

"You never seem to accept defeat." Genesis stops in her tracks, turning towards him. "You're about to be killed in the worst way imaginable and yet, you still have the audacity to talk down to me."

"I talk to you however I wish." He says, smiling at her. "I'm aware that these may be the very last few minutes of my life. I might as well enjoy it and still keep what very little dignity I have left."

"Dignity?" Zidon scoffs. "Sounds more like pride."

"That too." Cain smirks.

Genesis shook her head as she furrowed her brows in confusion. It was almost too good to be true. It was too easy of a capture for Cain.

The Cain she knew wouldn't go down without a fight.

"So what's the catch?" Genesis asks, narrowing her eyes. "Defeat is your worst enemy. Captivity is your lover. Freedom is your utter disdain. Why am I holding you hostage when you can easily be free?"

"Because I have something to die for." He says. For a second, there was almost a look of sorrow that shun in his eyes. She could figuratively see the weight on his shoulders but he shrugged them off as if they were a nuisance. "At least I can die knowing that it won't be in vain."

"What're you talking about." Zidon snarls.

"It's worth while knowing that when you die, it'll be for a good cause. That mate of yours will be your very downfall. He knows so much about you and yet, you so little him. Your weaknesses, your strengths, loopholes. Let's just say Lycans never got along with starkys to begin with."

Genesis turned on her heel once again and kept walking, she wasn't going to let Hibicus get to her just as his brother once did.

"Your parents weren't saints either." He continues. "They were the ones that told Hibicus that he has their blessing to be wed you when you come of age. They knew that Ezra was to be your mate and they did everything in their will power to stop that. They hated the Lycan kind. And they were always at war for power."

Genesis thoughts ran wild. Hibicus had mentioned that he waited for Genesis for a very long time and that she belonged to him. She thought that he had ran absolutely mad given the fact that he knew that Ezra was her mate. She didn't know that her parents had damned her to such an obscure fate.

She wasn't going to give Cain the satisfaction of seeing that he had probed her mind. She would not be deceived, not again at least.

"If that were true, then starkys wouldn't be the original mates for Lycans." Zidon says. He watched his mother's body language, his mind going into killing mode. He should have cut off Cain's tongue and forced him to eat it, but he had to suffer a greater death for all that he had done. One that his mother couldn't see.

"Not by choice." Cain says. "It was a pact to get them to make peace with another but after what the starkys had done, Lycans will forever have hatred towards your kind. It's only a matter of time before your mate guts you alive like his father once did to so many others."

The Queen's Sunrise | Starkys Series #2Where stories live. Discover now