Forty Four

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Thank you all for the 5k reads! If only you guys knew how much your support motivates me and makes me happy. Thank you. From the bottom of my heart <3


"You seem very distant." The girl says. She stared at his muscular back, her mouth going dry as he shrugged his pants on. "Is everything alright?"

"It's fine." He says, putting on his shirt as well. "I have somewhere I need to be."

"How disappointing." She says, pulling the sheets down from her cleavage to expose her breasts. "I was in the mood for another round."

"Maybe some other time." He didn't spare her a glance.

The girl frowned, sitting up completely.

"You're not getting tired of me are you?" She asks disapprovingly. "Where are you even going?"

"Unless it has to do with sex, it doesn't concern you." He says, he didn't care much for shoes. Tonight, he wanted his feet to soak up every bit of the earth. It would be the only thing that would remind him that he was still alive. He  swung the door open, the cool night air welcoming him with open arms. "What I do outside this room is none of your business."


"You've gotten a lot stronger." Gerald says, as he hopped down from where Genesis had levitated him into the tree. "Just a few more lessons and you won't even need my help at all."

"You're just saying that." Genesis says, smiling brightly. "I almost tripped and I was only standing in one place."

"That means you're a natural." Gerald chimes, brushing the fallen leaves of his shoulders. "Once, I was trying to strike a rock and I thought I did it when I heard a sharp horn sound..."

Genesis raised her brow.


"I farted." He says.

Genesis bursted out in a fit of laughter, her hands rested on her knees as she blinked back tears.

"You're crazy Gerald." She says, smiling at him. "Your presence is delightful. I know my parents loved having you within their inner circle."

"I can be quite charming." Gerald smiles brightly. "I know they are very proud of the Queen you have become."

A lump formed in her throat. Sadness filled her lungs and she wished that she had her parents with her to witness how strong she was becoming.

"Am I...." She trails softly, picking at her nails. "Becoming as great as they once were?"

"No." Gerald says, making her frown. He tilted his head towards the sky, as if he could see the dead that they spoke among living among them. "You're better."

Genesis blinked, her eyes filled with unshed tears. Gerald walked up to her, stopping her fiddling fingers.

"They may not be here, but, I am for certain that they are proud of you. If only they could see you now. It is surely a sight to see. You hold their power in simply being. You are upholding their legacy and creating your own."

Genesis smiled at him through her tears, wiping away the one tear that slipped down her right cheek.

"You're quite the charmer Gerald." She teased, smiling up at him.

"Oh, please." Madeline says, coming into view. They were on a secluded top of a hill, training above the other starkys in the valley beneath them. "I've seen bears flatter more than him."

The Queen's Sunrise | Starkys Series #2Where stories live. Discover now