Forty Three

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** Super important author's note at the end of this chapter! Please ensure to read it my loves <3 **



We declare on the starkys.

The crowd of Lycans watched as their king stood in the midst of them, rage oozing from his presence.

Genesis eyes refused to look away from the dead body as the words engraved on its innocent carcass. It was a woman, who looked fairly old. The many wells on her skin showed signs of evident resistance to her unfortunate fate.

It was an act of pure wickedness.

"Who could've done this?" Genesis asked softly. She stood up fully, looking around at the many Lycans that stood around her. They had all bowed their heads in respect to the scene before them.

She then remembered the few that had dared to give her looks of disdain as she walked by them. It made her question their loyalty.

'What if it was them?' She thought.

Her thoughts traveled to what Cain had said. What if they were silently plotting to kill her? What if they planned to overthrow her? What if they hated her as their Queen and for revenge, they decided to wreak havoc on her reign?

'They're selfish.' Cain said.

Rage suddenly came over Genesis, making the Lycans shake at her fury.

"Who did this!" Genesis screams, tears streaming down her face. Her hands began to raise and golden orbs of light appeared within each of her hands, she didn't know what she was about to do. All she knew was that the Lycans she had trusted so much had threatened to kill both her and her own kind.

And she was furious.

"My queen." A Lycan says, bowing respectfully. "We serve and cherish you with our life. This is not our doing. We do not plan on hurting you in any way shape or form."

The other Lycans bowed in humbleness to the earth, their pride long forgotten. Some growled in pain at their Queen's sadness, a declaration to right the wrong that was done to her.

Genesis wanted to believe them. She wanted so badly to believe them. She loved all Lycans dearly, admired them for their power and resilience, would do anything to protect them. She knew that they wouldn't do anything to betray her trust. But the pain in her chest for the woman that lay in front of her, naked as the day she was born...

Belief was so hard right now...

"Then why..." she sobs, her gaze traveled to Madeline and Gerald, they also held sorrow and grief. "Who would do this to us?"

Genesis looked up at Ezra, her face wet with tears. Rage burned within those calm eyes, his demeanor darkened with a sense of menace.

"I think I know who could've done this." Beverly says shakily, clutching her chest tightly, so tightly she could've almost ripped her own heart out.

Genesis looked at her mother in law in confusion as she gave her son a knowing look. Her eyes traveled back to her mate, him too returning the same look.

She looked around at all the Lycans that were around her, their eyes flashed with recognizance and the answer seemed to lay in the very depths of their soul. It was as if their eyes held a story that seemed to have been the very bane of their existence.

Madeline and Gerald too seemed to have realized who the culprit was also, their eye's widening.

Ezra locked eyes with her. And a sudden chill ran down her spine.

The Queen's Sunrise | Starkys Series #2Where stories live. Discover now