Thirty One

583 27 2

*Trigger Warning ⚠️

Armoy, Ireland

"I think it's a plague. Some krysters are dying." A guard says from the outside. Genesis' brows furrowed in confusion.

"Yeah, it's bad. I just hope it gets better before wiping us all out." Another guard comments, their footsteps begin to fade, signalling that they were gone.

Genesis looked around in the dark room, wanting to find anything, something to take and end her life. Something to make her feel numb again.

Cain had succeeded in making her feel any type of emotion, and that was bad because now.

She was feeling every emotion at once.

The mention of Zidon's name had reminded her of the only thing that brought her peace and joy when she thought of him. Zidon reminded her that there was still something worth living for, that in the midst of the whole world being cruel, there was still some sort of innocence that was still able to roam.

And with that thought, she stopped looking for things to end her life and rather yet, a reason to look on.


Something wasn't right.

There was a chill in the air, the kinda that was so blood curling, it was horrific.

Genesis could hear screams, shouts, the sound of utter chaos around the camp. It was havoc ready to happen.

It seemed to appear that the guards had forgotten about her. Even Cain hadn't paid her a visit in a while. It was almost too good to be true. Genesis was able to rest, and think of a way to escape even once.

She had to get back to Zidon.

She had to like always, save herself whenever she drowned.

It was the perfect time to try and attempt anything, something to help relieve her of the never-ending torture that was the krysters.

Judging by the thickness of her dark cell room, it was night time.

Genesis swallowed hard because it meant that the guards would often come at this time to tease her, mock her and give her food that she clearly did not want to eat. It had been in her cell for weeks and the guards took it up whenever it had begun to smell bad.

Sometimes, when Genesis had been on the brink of unconsciousness, a guard would step in late at night, caressing her chin and giving her hot water with a loaf of bread.

The sounds of boots approaching the door made a chill travel through Genesis' spine.

She pretended to be asleep, knowing that they'd leave her alone if she was unresponsive.

"She's in here." A guard says. Genesis brows furrowed in confusion.

There was something different about their voices.

The sound of chains tackling and then the sound of the door opening, almost made her flinch if she wasn't already used to it all.

"Where's the food?" Another guard asks, the lights then flicker on.

"I didn't bring it." The first guard before says. "We're not here for that."

"Well, what are we here for?" The second guard asks.

"You already know." The first guard says, the second guard then chuckles.

Genesis soul must have left her body at that point.

These weren't the original guards. They were new.

"She's not awake." The second guard comments. Genesis then felt a hand on her shoulder.

The Queen's Sunrise | Starkys Series #2Where stories live. Discover now