Thirty Four

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Completely and utterly stupid.

The word rang through Genesis head like a track record on repeat. She couldn't escape it, nor did she want to ignore it. Because no matter what she did, she only managed to break the heart of Ezra since the very day they met.

It was moments like this that made Genesis question the moon goddess. Why did she choose her to be with Ezra when she's only caused him nothing but pain?

"Mother." Zidon voice comes, a slight knock following after. She could also sense the presence of three others, making her brows furrow in confusion.

"Come in son." Genesis says shakily, removing herself from the window.

"There is much to discuss." Zidon says, opening the door. Beverly and two Lycan guards follow, making Genesis curiosity only grow.

"You set him free." Zidon only says, his expression passive and emotionless. "Why?"

"He helped my parents." Genesis says only, her eyes refusing to look into Beverly's. She could feel the disappointment in from where due was standing.

"That's no excuse." Zidon says sharply, walking up to his mother, his height and dominance overpowering hers. "There's no excuse for him. Not after all he's done to you, to dad, to everyone-"

"I know that." Genesis says, her looking into the eyes of her son. "The thought has never left my mind. I am reminded everyday of the brutal things he has put me through, but I must, I must forgive him. On the behalf of my parents."

Zidon says nothing, instead, his eyes soften, looking at his mother in pity.

Genesis eyes meet Beverly's, the disappointment and shame came over her as she looked at her in hopelessness.

"I don't know why you decide to let him live. But, the moment he decides to do something, much less even touch you, I will...."

Zidon stopped for a second, all softness in his voice was completely gone and they now held a sense of coldness, the next thing he intended to say held no sympathy or remorse.

"I'm not asking you for permission. If it is so, the very minute he slips up, I will kill him with my own two hands."

Genesis looks into the eyes of her son, knowing she couldn't change his mind, even if she tried. She nodded her head, and looked away, ashamed to look into the eyes of her mother in law.

"I'm sorry." Genesis says softly, turning her backs on them. She then walked towards the window once again, her eyes looking into the forest.

Her thoughts began to consumeher whole, taking her away from the reality she desperately wanted to be rid of. If only she had the goddesses guide to help her.

Why did everything have to be so hard?


It was night time.

And Hibicus was set free.

The thought nerved Genesis to her very core. She knew she'd regret it. A part of her was hoping that Hibicus would use this time for good. A part of her was really hoping that he'd leave her alone now.

'He helped my parents, but what if he wants something in return?' Genesis thought.

She looked towards the door once more, anticipating the appearance of her mate. Ezra had been gone ever since their little fight.

The longer Genesis replayed the conversion she had with Hibicus, the more idiotic she felt. The fact that she willingly went and believed his story, he could've lied right to her face. But, she refused to doubt, she wanted to believe him.

The Queen's Sunrise | Starkys Series #2Where stories live. Discover now