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chase: I'll take you home if you like

charli: okay but you don't have to

Chase:no it fine

chase:* goes to his car while charli gets her stuff*

charli:I live *gives im her address*

chase: we are here


Chase:wait could I get your number


*Exchange numbers*


charli: thanks for the ride

chase: at least it was a
proper bye not bye jerk

charli: really

chase: bye

*He waits till charli goes in the house then drives off*

*the next morning*

*someone knocks at the door*

charli: COMING

*opens the door*

charli: NESSA


charli: come in I've missed you

Nessa: same
( charli moved to LA and had
to leave her bff Nessa behind)

charli:so what are you doing here

Nessa: am visiting my cousin's for 3 months

Charli:oh okay

Nessa:I have to get going because I have a date

Charli: ooooo

Nessa: shut up *laughs*



Charli: bye

*Closes the door*

*About an hour later*

*She gets a text from chase*


Chase: hey how are you doing

Charli: am fine hbu

Chase: am okay have you heard the news

Charli: what news

Chase: all gyms have to close now

Charli: ugh so that means dance studio

Chase: ya

*Btw schools closed a month before this*

Charli: I hate this virus


Charli: it driving me crazy

Chase:hahaha hey do you wanna hang out

Charli: sure but everywhere closed

Chase: ya ik how about the beach

Charli: sure

Chase: I'll pick you up at 6

( Btw it's 3:37 pm)

Charli: okay


( 4:32)

Charli: I sould start getting ready

Charli wears this-

(Thanks shein haha)

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(Thanks shein haha)


*Hears a honk*

*Charli goes outside*



*They get to the beach*

Charli- do you wanna go in the water

Chase- sure but I have no trunks

(Btw charli had a bikini on because she knows they were going to the beach)

Charli- you knew we were going to the beach and you did not bring anything

Chase- ya

Charli- just go in, in your underwear

Chase- fine

*They take there clothes off and go in the water*

Charli bikini

Charli- chase were to deep I can't touch the floor

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Charli- chase were to deep I can't touch the floor

Chase- come here

*Chase is 1 foot taller than charli*

Charli- fine

*Chase gives charli a piggy back*

Come back for part 3 or 4 idk ahaha

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