sunset 🌆

870 20 5

2 hours of playing in the water

Charli- we sould get out now it's getting late

Chase- ya ur right

*They get out and get dressed*

Charli- come over to the pier

Chase- why

Charli- fine I'll just go

Chase- I never said I wasn't *follows her to the pier*

Chase- what are you doing

Charli- watching the sunset *sit down on the edge

Chase- oh okay *sits next to her*

Charli-*looks at chase and smiles*

Chase- *sees charli smiling so he smiles back*

Charli- * trys to take  pictures of them but chase keeps putting his middle finger up* chase stop * laughs*

Chase- *laughs*

*Charli mages to get a photo*

*Charli mages to get a photo*

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Chase- are you cold

Charli- ya but am fine

Chase*wraps his hoodie round his shoulder*

Charli- *looks at chase and smiles* thanks

Chase- *smiles back and sit back down next to her*

( 20 mins later)

Charli-*checks her phone* shit we should get back it's nearly 10:30pm

Chase-  here I'll take you home

Charli- a mean who else would take me home * laughs*

Chase*laughs* oh ya

*They get in the car*

Charli- tonight was fun *smiles*

Chase- ya we should do this more often

*They arrive at charli*

Charli- do you wanna come in for like 30 mins

Chase- if it's fine with you parents

Charli- my parents are on a business trip

Chase- ah okay

*They go inside and charli goes to have a quick shower*

*She comes downstairs in this-

Charli- so what do you wanna do

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Charli- so what do you wanna do

Chase- I don't know

Charli- *looks outside* well we made here in time

Chase- why

Charli- it's like 4 inches of snow

Chase- WHAT....*looks outside* ugh how am I supposed to get home

Charli- we have a guest room yk

Chase- right

Charli- so spend the night in there dumbass

Chase- are you sure

Charli- well ya am not gonna make you get in a accident*laughs*

Chase- *laughs*

Charli-*goes to get popcorn*

Chase- why do you have popcorn

Charli- what do you think am gonna feed it to my goldfish

Chase- woah jeez calm down

Charli*turns on the office*

*Charli falls asleep around 1am*

Chase-*picks charli up and takes her to her room* goodnight

Charli- * half asleep* good night chase

*Chase goes to the guest room*


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