bake off

619 16 2

Charli-*wakes up and gently takes chase of her then she goes downstairs to the kitchen*

*Hears a knock at the door*

Charli- hel- ADDI*runs and hugs her*

Addi-CHARLI *hugs back*

Charli-ive missed you sm

Addi- I missed you more

Charli-come in am making breakfast


*20 mins later*

Addi- am going to the bathroom

Charli- okay

*Chase comes down*

Chase-*grabs charli waist from behind* gm princess

Charli-*laughs*gm bby*turns around and kisses him*

Chase-*kisses back*

Addison-*walk out*oh now am 3rd Wheeling

Charli-*laughs* invite bryce or someone

Addi-*invites bryce*

*Bryce arrives*

Chase- so what are we gonna do

Addi-*looks at charli*

Charli-*looks at addi*

Charli and addison- we should have a bake off*laughs*

Chase and bryce- am down

Addi- who are the teams

Bryce- me and addi

Charli- no me and addi

Chase- fine then me and bryce

Addi- me and charli is gonna win

Bryce- sure keep dreaming

*Half way through*

Chase and bryce-* comes over and peeks at there's*

Charli- u know I can see yous*looking at the cake*

Chase- how when ur not looking at us

Addi- you don't know

Bryce- know what

Charli- girls have eyes at the back of there heads

Chase- no they don't

Addi- stop cheating and go back to ur cake

The cakes-

Charli and addison-

Charli and addison-

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Bryce and chases-

Bryce and chases-

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Chase- we won

Charli and addison-*laughs*


Charli- nothing

Charli post the pictures on there story and says who's is better


User- chaddison

User- brace

User- chaddison

And more

Charli- we won

Chase- what

Addi- well you could obvs tell who's won

Bryce- so what do you win

Charli- we win nout yous have to jump in the pool

Chase- what

Addi- ya go on

*Chase and Bryce jump in the pool*

*Still in the pool*

Chase- bby can you pass me a towel

Bryce- bub pass me one

Charli-*hand the towel to chase* here

Chase-*about to grab the towel but pull charli in* pay back

*Bryce does the same thing to addi*

Charli- I hate you

Chase- love u too

Charli- am soaked

Chase-*shakes his head to dry his hair* ya because your in water

Charli- come here

Chase-*grabs charli waist and pulls her close to him* ya

Charli-*storks her hands through his hair and messes it up*there

Chase-*smiles* ur so cute

Charli-*smiles and kisses him*

Chase-*kisses back*

Addi- yk where still here

Charli-*pulls back* ya *laughs*

*They get out and braddison goes home and charli and chase are upstairs*

Charli-*takes her top of so now she's only in her sports bra*

Chase-yk am still here

Charli- it not like you haven't seen anything*puts a top on*

Chase-*pushes against the wall and kisses her*

Charli-*grabs the back of his head and kisses him back*

*They start to make out*

Chase- we should stop before this goes any further

Charli-*laughs* ya

I have no ideas for what to do

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