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*charli goes and gets a hoddie and joggers*

Charli-*goes down stairs* chase.......
Chase where are you

Chase-*runs up to her from behind and picks her up*boo

Charli- fuck you scared is

Chase- well I could see that

Charli- *smiles*

Chase- *puts her down*

Charli- *laughs*

Chase- what funny

Charli- your hair is a mess

Chase- my hair fine

Charli- no it not *uses her fingers to brush it*

Chase- ur so tall you stand on ur tipy toes just to fix my hair

Charli- am not short ur just tall

Chase- sure

Charli- *gets a text from dixie*

Dixie- hey

Charli- hi

Dixie- come home

Charli- why

Dixie- mom back

Charli- okay bye

Dixie- bye

( End of text )

Charli- come with is

Chase- why

Charli- my parents are home

Chase- oh okay

*They get there shoes on and leave*

Charli- hey

Dixie- hi

Charli- where are they

Dixie- they will be here in 5 minutes

Charli- okay

Dixie- who's are those clothes

Charli- *looks at chase* his

Chase- I have a name yk

Dixie- so y'all dating yet

Charli- no we're not

Dixie- calm down

Charli- ugh whatever am going to my room

* Chase and charli goes upstairs *

Chase- someone moody today

Charli- no am not

Chase- aww someone on there period

Charli- *hits him (jokely)* shut up

Chase- Or what

Charli- don't go there

*The front door opens*

Chase- the front door just opened

*They go downstairs*

Charli- mom

Heidi- hey charli

Charli- hi

Heidi- is this your boyfriend

Charli- no he's just a friend

Chase- hi Mrs d'amelio

Heidi- hi and just call me Heidi

Charli- where's dad

Heidi- well we've decided to move to Connecticut because of work and stuff yous can stay here

Charli- oh okay well am going back upstairs

*They go in charli room*

Chase-* lays on her bed*

Charli- *lays on top of him*

Chase- you love laying on me

Charli- mhm

Chase- *kisses her head*

Charli- *looks up and smiles*

*Charli falls asleep and chase just plays on his phone*

Charli-*wakes up*

Chase- someone awake

Charli- what's the time


Charli- okay

Chase- am going to go now

Charli- no stay please

Chase- fine

Charli- can we order postmates

Chase- ya am kinda hungry

*They order macdonalds*

*Charli posts a picture of her macdonald on her story*

Caption- macdonalds tonight


User- ur already fat enough
User- eww
User- pig

User- hi
^charli- hiii^

Charli- actually am not hungry anymore

Chase- why

Charli- am not hungry

Chase-*goes on his phone and sees that people are calling her fat*

*She delete her post*

Charli- am just gonna go to the bathroom

Chase- okay

*She goes to the bathroom and sits on the floor*

-5 mins later-

Chase-*goes to the bathroom door and hears charli crying* are you okay

Charli- ya

Chase- charli open the door please

Charli- am fine

Chase-*manges to unlock the door* charli

Charli- chase am fine

Chase- *sits next tho her* ur not fine

Charli- I am

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