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Chase- *picks her up and put her on his knee and hug her* ur not

Charli-* wraps her arms and round his neck and legs round his waist and hug him**crying*

Chase-shh calm down

Charli- *mumbles something*

Chase- what did you say

Charli- *whisper in chases ear*
I l-lo-love you

Chase- *wipes her tears off her face then smiles * I love you to

Charli-*looks at him then his lips*

Chase-*looks at her then her lips*

*They kiss*

Charli- *pulls away*chase

Chase- ya

Charli- I l-like y-someone

Chase- *gets sad* oh okay

Charli- what's wrong

Chase- nout am just going go to bed it's 1am*goes to the guest room*

Charli- *whisper to her self* I like you

With chase-

Chase- *saying to his self laying in bed* all those time she kissed me they ment nout and when she said I love you she ment it in a freinds way*a tear rolls down his eyes*

With charli-

Goes to her room and sees chase is not in there so she goes to the guest room*

Charli- cha *sees that he's asleep so she walks up to him and kisses him on the head* *whisper in his ear* gn chase*she goes to sleep*

*Next morning*

Charli- *goes to the guest room and sees he's still asleep so she leaves*

*Charli goes to dunkin*

Chase-*goes down stairs and sees a note*
Your name is someone now
Love charli

*Chase sit on the couch and looks at the note trying to figure out what she means and remember that she said y before she said someone so she was about to say you then...

Charli-*charli come in and realize the note gone and see chase sitting on the couch* so are you still mad at me

Chase-*looks behind him* charli why did you not say *walks up to her*

Charli- idk it fine if you don't feel the same way*puts his dunkin on the counter and is about to walk away*

Chase- *grabs her hand* wait


Chase-*pulls her close to him* I like you to


Chase- * kisses her*

Charli-* kisses back*

* They make out *

Like this-

Dixie-*comes in* hi woah was not expecting that I should go

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Dixie-*comes in* hi woah was not expecting that I should go

Charli- *pulls back* ya you should


Charli- *laughs and kisses him again*

Chase- *kisses back*

*They make out again*

Charli- * pulls back * maybe we should have breakfast now *laughs*

Chase- ya *laughs*

Charli- here *hands him his coffee*

Chase- thanks *kisses her on the head*

Charli- *look at him and simles*

Chase- bye

Charli- where you going

Chase- I need to go home to change

Charli- pack ur bags

Chase- why

Charli- am lonely

Chase- wdym

Charli- well dixie moving out

Chase- so you want me to stay here

Charli- ya please

Chase- okay

Charli-yay *hugs him then they kiss*

*They drink there dunkins*

5 hours later

Charli- chase come here


Charli- make me pancakes

Chase- just because you can't be bothered to do anything doesn't mean you get other people to do it

Charli- please urs taste nice

Chase- how you never tried mine

Charli- come here


Charli- *kisses chase* now will u

Chase-ugh fine

*Makes pancakes*

Chase- here

Charli- thanks

Lol I have not posted today but tysm for 600 vewis

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