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Charli- * walks in the guest room to wake chase up* chase wake up

Chase- what time is it

Charli- 10am * leaves the room*


I woke up around 9 and just laying there on my phone then I realized that I still have chases hoodie on I laughed ( btw she put a hoddie on though the night because she was cold ) I went to chases room to see him sleeping so I just left ( btw it was 9:30) I looked out side and saw that some of the snow cleared up but it was still like 5 inches left I went back into the guest room at around 10 to wake chases up

Chase comes down stairs and looks at charli in the kitchen making pancakes

Charli- hey sleepy head *gives him some pancake*

Chase- thanks

*A couple of hours later*

*A knock was at the door*

Charli- I'll get it

Matt- hey can we talk

Charli- babe how did you get here if like 6 inches of snow

Matt- I walked but I really needed to talk to you

Charli- ya sure come go sit on the couch

Matt sits on the couch ( btw it's her boyfriend)

Charli- so what did you needed to talk about

Matt- I cheated


Matt- am sorry but I love someone else

Charli- just leave please

Matt- okay but am sorry

- matt leaves -

( Btw chase is staying another night because of the snow)

*,Chase comes downstairs*

Chase- woah why are you crying

Charli- * run to chase and hugs him really tight and just cry's on his shoulder*

Chase POV

I didn't really know what was happening all I heard was charli shouting leave so I run downstairs to what was wrong and I saw her just standing there crying on the couch she runs up to me and hugs me really tight I couldn't breathe but I didn't mind it because she was upset I just placed my hands on her waist

Charli POV

as soon as he said cheated my mind went blank i did not know what was happening the only word that slipped out of my mouth was LEAVE NOW he left and I just stood there crying then I heard a voice saying why are you crying I look up and it was chase I ran up to him and hugged Him I felt him grab my waist and soon as that moment happend I felt a big sing of relief I felt safe in chases arm like nout would hurt me after 5 minutes of hugging him I let go but I wanted to hug him longer but I knew he could not breath but the hug was different from any other hug I don't know why though

Part 7 later

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