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Charli- get changed in nice clothes

Chase- why

Charli- just do it

Chase- fine

Charli- am gonna get ready

*30 mins later*

Chase- *comes in charli room* babe you ready

Charli-*putting on makeup* no not even close

Chase- hurry up I don't like surprise

Charli- I'll be like an hour

Chase-*picks up charli hair brush and brushes his hair*

Charli- *laughs* I like it better when you don't  brush your hair*messes his hair*

Chase- and I like it better when you don't wear makeup

Charli- well am not going out without it

Chase- ugh whatever

Charli- go get ready

Chase- I am

Charli- joggers and a hoodie

Chase- well what do you want me to wear

Charli- jeans and a nice top

Chase- i don't have those

Charli- yes you do

Chase- ugh fine

Charli- ty

*1 hour later*

Chase- *walks in her room* you ready yet

Charli-*comes out the bathroom* ya

*It won't let me post the pictures*

Chase- God dam am lucky

Charli- *wraps her arms around his neck* ik

Chase- *grabs her waist and kisses her*

Charli-*kisses back* okay now let's go

Chase- okay

Charli- *grabs his hand*

*They get in the car*

Charli- put this on *gives him a blindfold*

Chase- okay *put the mask on upside down

Charli- put it on properly

Chase- it is

Charli- no it it not goofball

Chase-*takes it off and puts it the right way*better

Charli- ya

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