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Chase-*wakes up and gently moves charli off his chest*

*Goes downstairs*

Dixie- oh hey chase

Chase- hi

Dixie- where charli

Chase- asleep

Dixie- wait where did yous go yesterday because she did not say where she went

Chase- she made me go to a abandoned house

Dixie- oh

*Charli comes downstairs*

Charli- oh hi chase

Chase - hi

Dixie- so I don't get hi or good morning

Charli- no

Dixie- mhm whatever*goes up stairs*

Charli- I thought I was not aloud to leave the balconyuntill I was nice

Chase- 1 you fell asleep 2 it was cold
3 I was bored

Charli- see look you were bored so you need my anoying ass

Chase- well are you gonna drive me home

Charli- ya but later

Chase- btw I stole you car

Charli- *laughs* ya we weren't gonna stay there

Chase- mhm we should have macdonald for breakfast

Charli- ya but ur driving *gives him her car keys*

Chase- but it's ur car

Charli- didn't stop you last night

Chase- fine but are you going be nice to me today

Charli- yes because I don't want to spend any longer on that balcony

* They go to macdonald and come back*

Dixie- wheres mine

Charli- you never asked for some and ain't paying for you

Dixie - fine then I'll just go

Charli- anyways why aren't you with your bf noah

Chase- there dating

Charli- ya

Dixie - no we're not

Charli- so why were yous kissing the other night

Dixie- that's it am going* leaves*

Chase- can yous not fight for once

Charli- it's not like you never fight with your siblings

*They eat there food*

Charli- am bored

Chase- your always bored

Charli- and your always wearing the same clothes

Chase- maybe because you won't  take me home to get changed

Charli- fine then let's go

*They go to chases*

Chase-*takes his top off*

Charli- you know am still here

Chase-not like you've never seen a boy with no top on

Charli-*walks out of chases room while he gets changed*

*30 mis later*

Charli- we should go to a party

Chase- mhm one of those crappy house partys

Charli- no like a proper one at a bar

Chase- aren't all bars closed

Charli- ya but ik a place where it has not closed yet

Chase- fine

Charli- pick me up at 8

Chase- okay

*Charli leaves and goes to get ready*

Part 11 in a hour or something

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