it was not me

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2 month later ( am lazy )

*Charli calls addi*

Charli- addi can you come over

Addi- ya ofc I'll be there in like 10 mins

Charli- okay

*Hangs up*

*Addi arrive*

Charli- hi come in

Addi- so what do you need

Charli- well..... It hard to explain

Addi- don't worry

Charli- I've missed my period for the last two months

Addi- have you had morning sickness

Charli- ya but only this week

Addi- when did yous last do it

Charli- like a week ago

Addi-*gasp* do you want me to get a test

Charli- ya

Addi-*hugs charli*

Charli-*hugs back* am just scared if chase will leave me

Addi- he won't he's in love with you

Charli-*smiles* ur right

*1hour later addi has the test*

Addi- you ready

Charli- ya

*Charli takes the test*

Addi- what does it say

Charli- we have to wait 5 mins

Addi- come here*hugs her*

Charli-*hugs back* ily


Charli- how long left

Addison-it should be done

Charli-*flips the test over*

Addison-what does it say

Charli- p-positive

Addison- omg

Charli- how am I supposed to tell chase

Addi- Idk put it in a box or something

Charli-ya ur right

Addi- you should go to the doctor first to make sure it healthy

Charli- can u com with is

Addi- ya come on

*They go to the doctors*

Doctor- turns out you 6 weeks pregnant

Charli-*looks at addis*

Doctor- and the baby is healthy

Charli-*smiles* thank you

*They leave and get home*

Charli- did no think I was 6 weeks

*Chase gets home*

Charli- hey bby*hugs him and kisses him*

Chase- hey princess*hugs back and kisses back*

Addi- hey chase

Chase- oh hey addi

Addi- am going to invite madi because am not third wheeling

Charli- u always say that*laughs*

*Madi comes over*

*Chase went upstairs*

Addi- so are you gonna tell her

Madi- tell me what

Charli- am pregnant

Madi-wait what

Charli- shhhh

*They sit and talk for a while*

Madi- charli do you have a charger

Charli- ya it one upstairs in my room

Madi- okay thanks *goes upstairs*

*With charli and addison*

Addi- you should tell him

Charli- ya ur right

*With madi*

Chase- oh hey madi

Madi- hi do you know where charli charger is

Chase- here

Madi- thanks*here charli come upstairs*

Charli- bby

Madi-*quickly kisses chase*

Charli-*looks up* WTF*walks out*

Chase-*doesn't kiss back* wtf madi charli wait

Charli-*runs downstairs* I can't do this anymore

Addi- woah what's wrong

Charli- just saw that rat and chase kissing

Addi- WHAT*hugs charli*

Charli-*hugs back*

Chase-*comes downstairs*charli I can explain

Addi- just go chase

Chase- fine whatever but it was not me

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