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*siting on the couch*

Chase- so what do you wanna do

Charli-*looks round the room* this *grabs his phone of the table and start running*

Chase- charli*runs after her*

Charli- you will never catch me*runs upstairs*

Chase-yes I will * run after her *

*She runs into the guest bathroom*

Charli-*in her head* fuck am traped* hides the phone behind her back and leans against the wall*

Chase- charli phone*puts his hand on the wall and his face is inches away from her face so she can't escape*

Charli- I don't have it

Chase- charli

Charli-*slides under his arm to get out*

Chase- not so fast princess*grabs her waist and turns her to face him*

Charli-ur not getting it

*They lock eyes*

Chase- you have 3 seconds to give me it back

Charli- what if I don't give you it

Chase- then I'll do this *kisses charli*

Charli-*kisses back and wraps her arms round chases neck*

*They make out*

Charli-*pulls away and smiles at him*

Chase-*smiles* now can I have the phone

Charli- nah I might keep for a little while longer

Chase- well you don't get this back*pulls charli phone from his pocket and starts running*

Charli- how did you get that*runs after him*

Chase-*put the phone in the air*now you can't get it

Charli- fine have your phone back

Chase- nah keep it

Charli-*jumps on chase back to climb up*

Chase-thats not going to work

Charli-*grabs the phone on jumps down*
What did you say*gives him his phone back*

Chase- ur smart*laughs*

Charli- I know*laughs*

Chase- so what do you wanna do now
Since you just made me chase you round the full house

Charli- idk

Chase- mall

Charli- haha ur funny

Chase- ik

Charli- all the shops are closed dumbass

Chase- well where can we go

Charli- follow me

Chase- okay

*They get into charli car*

Chase- where are we going

Charli- you'll see be patient

Chase- okay

* They arrive at a abandoned house*

Chase- what are we doing here

Charli- just get the flashlight from in there*points to the box in the dash bored*

*They get out of the car*

Part 10 soon

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