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Nessa gives her these clothes and pretend there pink

Nessa gives her these clothes and pretend there pink

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* A knock at the door *

Chase- it's just the boys

Chase- hey

Josh,bryce,tony,blake- hey

Bryce- I brought the drinks

Chase- thanks man but am not drinking

* They start watching the game *

*Charli comes downstairs*

Charli- can yous not put anything away
*Bends down and picks up the beer cans*

Tony-* looking at her ass *


Charli-*walks over to the kitchen*

Chase- one sec am going to get a drink

Bryce- have a beer

Chase- I'll stick with water *walks over to   the kitchen*

Charli- what are you getting

Chase- there some joggers on my bed put them on

Charli- why

Chase-*looks at tony* that's why

Charli- okay

Meanwhile with Josh bryce tony blake-

Tony- do you think charli single because I would definitely smash her

*Blake,josh,bryce look at each other*

Bryce- 1 she's a minor 2 we have girlfriends

*Chase walks over*

Tony- is charli single

Chase-*starts to get mad* why

Tony- because I would definitely smash her

( Smash means make out and do yk)

Chase-*puts his hands in a fist*

Blake- *sees and mouths to chase* don't

Chase- whatever

*Charli comes down and sits next to chase*

Chase- *wraps his arm around charli*

Charli- leans on his shoulder

Josh- are yous a thing now

Chase- no

Bryce- yous would make the best couple

Chase- mhm keep dreaming

Tony- am going go to the bathroom

Chase- am going get my charger* goes upstairs *

Charli- okay

*Tony comes out of the bathroom*

Tony- hey charli wanna come over to mine after this*smirks*

Charli- ugh *goes upstairs*

Chase- woah what's wrong

Charli- everyone thinks they can take advantage of me*tear rolls down her cheek*

Chase-* hugs her tight * that MOTHERFUCKER

Charli- *hugs him back*

Chase- 2 minutes

*Goes downstairs*

*Mean while with the boys*

Bryce- wtf she's 17

Tony- so

Bryce- so *pushes him against the wall*

Tony- wtf

Bryce- you leave now or you have a bigger problem to deal with

Tony- okay *leaves*

Chase comes downstairs

Chase- where he

Bryce- don't worry I delt with him

But thanks

Josh,blake- were gonna go

Chase,bryce- okay bye

Josh,blake- bye

*They leave*

Bryce- am going invite addi over since I don't wanna be third wheeling

Chase- ugh where not dating* goes back upstairs*

Charli- why does everyone think they can do stuff to me*hugs him*

Chase-* hugs her back*charli listen to me when am around no one can touch you

Charli-*smiles and kisses him*

Chase-*kisses back*

*They make out then door rings*

Bryce- it just addison

*Charli and chase both laugh*

Chase- he's gone so wanna come back down

Charli-ya let me just get my phone first

Chase- okay *goes downstairs*

Addison- oh hey chase where charli

Chase- getting her phone

Addison- so y'all dating yet

Charli- *comes downstairs* no

Addison- charli*hugs her*

Charli* hugs back * hi addi

Chase,bryce- girls these days

Addison- so what are we doing

Part idk soon

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