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*I forget to add this but felix is chase but he does not know because he lost his memory*

*5 years later*

*In the store*

Blake- dada

Felix- am not your dada wheres your mommy

Blake- *points to a girl*

Felix-okay then *goes over to charli and taps her on the shoulder* hey

Charli-*turns around* blake you had me worried*picks up blake*  thanks

Felix- no problem

Blake- dada*reaches for felix*

Charli- no silly this is *looks at felix*

Felix- oh am felix

Charli- am charli you should come over for dinner tonight

Felix- ya sure

Charli- here *hand him her number and address*

*Later that night*

Felix- *knocks at the door*

Charli-*opens the door* hey

Chase- hi

Charli- come in the dinner almost ready

Chase- okay

Charli- just go in the living room

Chase- this is one ass house

Charli- ya it's my parents house but they moved to Connecticut

Chase- is it only you and blake living here

Charli- ya

Blake-*comes out from the play room* dada *runs and hugs him*

Felix- am not you dada

Blake- yes you are

Charli- no silly

Blake- why not

Charli- because your dada is in heaven

Felix-*looks at charli* am sorry

Charli- oh it fine anyways dinner ready

*At the table*

Charli- so do you have any lovers *laughs*

Felix- well I have not dated anyone in 5 yrs

Charli- how come

Felix- I lost my memory but all I could remember is that I had one hot ass girlfriend*laughs*

Charli-*laugh* and I had one hot ass boyfriend

Felix- *laughs*

Charli- 1 minute am just gonna put blake to bed

Blake- no dada

Charli- can you take her

Felix- ya I got you

*Felix takes blake to bed*

Blake- dada

Felix-*laughs* am not your dada

*Puts her in her bed*

Blake- good night

Felix- good night princess*kisses her head*

*Goes downstairs*

Felix- charli am gonna go now

Charli- we have a spare room if you want to stay the night

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