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*chase and charli go to the hospital*

Doctor- am sorry but you gonna have to wait in the waiting room

Charli- okay*she crying*

*4 hours later*

Doctor- you can go see him but he's in a coma right now

Charli- okay thanks( she has year stains on her face*

Doctor- he's in room 265

Charli- okay

*Goes to his room*

Charli-*sees he's connected to a bunch of wires and starts crying harder* this is all my fault

*She sit in the chair next to him and hold his hand tight*

*Chase can hear everything*

Charli- am so sorry this would of happened if i didn't make you leave

There was something I was gonna tell you but you probably can't hear me
But am pregnant

Doctor- *comes in* charli can I talk to you outside

Charli- ya sure

Doctor- so if he does wake up he will lose his memory

Charli- wdym

Doctor- he might not remember you

Charli- okay ty

*Goes back in the room*

Charli-*sits back down next to chase and strokes her hand through his hair*ily

Doctor- charli I think you should go home and get some rest

Charli- okay *kisses chase on the head* bye chase


*Next day*

*Charli goes back to the hospital*

Charli- *kisses chase on the cheek* am back*sits down on the chair*

Charli- *starts to cry* do you know how hard it is to look at you with a bunch of wires attached to you*holds his hand and lays her head on his chest*

Chase-*squeezes charli hand*

Charli-*lifts her head up* chase

Chase-*still in a coma*

Charli- I was probably nothing anyways I should go*kisses him on the lips* ily


*At home*

Charli- addi can you turn on the TV

Addi- why

Charli- the remotes right next to you

Addi- fine*turns on the TV and the news is on*

Charli- keep this on

News reporter- sadly we have lost 1000 lives due to this fire at saint Louis hospital in la

Charli- that's the hospital that chase is in

Addi- get in the car

Charli- okay*starts crying*

*they get there*

Firefighter- where sorry only a couple survived

Charli-what*hugs addi tight and cry hard*

Addi-*hugs back and starts crying*

Bryce-*gets there* what happened

Addi- he's gone*in a crying voice and still hugging charli*

Bryce-*starts to tear up* no he can't be


Bryce-*puts his hands on his head* fuck

*5 years later*

New characters

Felix-23- chase

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