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Okay so this is following the real life story that Matt and the crew are going through with the whole Syphus thing! I honestly don't even care if it's real or fake, you can claim all you want, I don't care. It's just really interesting and is very entertaining! So here's a story based off of it!

Also, I don't know if pat has medical experience or not, but for the sake of this story, he will! #medicpat
"Woods! Are you ready for work?" I asked as I finished packing my backpack of stuff I bring to the office with me everyday.
"Yeah! I'm coming."
I dangled my mask around my ear and grabbed my keys from the bedside table. A twinge of pain radiated from my side and I grabbed it.
"Ouch." I whispered
"Ready?" He asked as he walked in
"Yeah." I groaned as I still held my side.
"You okay?" His brows knitted tight together
"Yeah, just pulled something." I lied
"Yikes. You need to stretch more."
"I know."

We walked into the office and I was waiting for the moment where Matt came to us with more Syphus information.
"Oh boy guys... we have more."
"Dear lord what is it now?" Sam asked
"Follow me."
Matt ended up talking about more clues of Syphus and the things they've found. They talked about the room under the stairs and the Apple two.
My side started to burn and I knew it was happening again.
My face scrunched as the burning got worse. I could feel the muscles around the area tighten.
"Ow!" I called out in pain. I stood up and groaned
"You okay y/n?" Matt asked
"Yeah, I'm fine. Just shocked."
I grabbed my side again
"You've been irritated by your side all morning. What's wrong with it?" Woods asked
"Nothing!" I defended
"Clearly there's something wrong, let me see." He walked over and tried to grab my shirt
"Stop!" I rejected
"Let me see. I just want to help."
"Don't touch it! It hurts!"
"Can I please see?"
I was angry at the idea of him seeing what was wrong with me. It would put way too much stress on him.
I sighed and let him lift my shirt
"Holy shit what is that?" He gasped
"Oh my god what happened?" Matt asked, standing quickly
"It's nothing."
"It's not nothing it's purple and green! Is that, glass?"
"It's fine!"
"No way that's normal."
"What happened?" Matt asked more firm
"Okay... promise you won't be mad?" I asked them
"Promise." They both nodded
"Okay, so I tried to mess with the case that had the weird liquid in it. I had it at my side, and I almost dropped it so I pulled it into me. I guess a piece was sticking out and it stabbed me."
"So what you're saying is, not only have you been stabbed, but by glass that's still inside of you, that ALSO had that weird unknown acidic substance?"
"Yes." I nodded.
"We need to get you to the hospital."
"And tell them what? Hi yes, I've been stabbed but I also have been exposed to an unknown acid that burned through an entire floor of our studio. Where's it from you may ask? We don't know. It was in a case that we had to use a key from a case inside the wall. It's from a mysterious company, the previous owners of the building, who did wacky cryptic experiments. Can you treat this doc?"
"Yeah maybe that's not the best idea." Woods mumbled
"Well, do we know anyone with medical experience?"
"How about pat? He knows a little bit right?"
"Yeah, he worked in a clinic for a couple years."
"Pat!" Matt shouted in hopes pat was around
"What Matt?"
"Can we use your for a second?" Matt said a little quieter
"Sure? What's up?"
"We need your help." Woods said as Matt closed the door. "We heard you had medical experience and we need it."
"With what?"
I was laying on the couch and woods lifted up my shirt
"Woah! What the hell is that?" Pat squealed
"Y/n stabbed herself with some glass but some of that really corrosive liquid was on it. We are just hoping you can get out the glass and patch her up."
He walked out to get the first aid kit and came back in.
"Okay, I'm gonna have to get this glass out. It will probably hurt so just stay strong for me. Would it be better if you had a hand to squeeze?" I nodded and woods walked over to grab my hand.
"You'll do great." He whispered to me after kissing my forehead
"Here we go." Pat grabbed a pair of pliers and latched onto the big piece of glass in my side. He started to strain as he pulled. Blood started to drop out as a sign of release of tension. I gripped onto woods hand as the stinging and pulling irritated my nerves.
"There. It's all done!"
I took a big sigh of relief and relaxed.
"I'm just gonna put a little bit of antibacterial stuff on it and I'll bandage you up."
I nodded and he helped with the last steps.
"There all done. Now since we don't know what that stuff is, I can't help treat that, but I did what I could."
"Thanks Pat. We appreciate it." Woods nodded
"You're welcome. And stay out of the creepy stuff!" Pat scolded me
"I will!"
He walked out of the room and back to whatever he was doing beforehand
"Soooo... what now?"
"Hope you don't die I guess." Matt laughed
"Wow thanks... really feeling the love."
"But I mean what are we supposed to do. We don't know about the substance so..." he questioned
"I guess you're right." Woods nodded
"What if I do die? Collapse in the middle of the office? Woods will you kneel by my side. Hold my hand and cry as I pass away slowly. Telling me how much you love me?"
"This isn't a wattpad fanfiction!" He laughed and held his hands up in defense
"But you love me!"
"Not that much." He opened the door with a head shake and walked out.
"How rude!"
"Matt, would you have a wattpad moment for your wife?"
"Maybe." He laughed
"So I just have a terrible boyfriend." I sighed
Matt let out a hearty chuckle and left the room
"I guess I'll just die alone."

Woods met me at the car later that night and asked me how I was doing. I just shrugged and got into the car.
"We really should monitor you. If you start to feel off, let me know as soon as possible."
"I will I promise."
"Good." I looked over at him and he looked nervous.
"I'm gonna be fine! Don't overthink it!
"I'm not! I just... I'm nervous."
"I'm fine! Nothing is happening to me."
"Okay. Okay. Okay." He said more to himself than to me. "Let's just get home."
"Hey, I love you." I reassured him
"I love you too."

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