No one can top this

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"Hey! You wanted to see me?" I asked walking into woods office.
"Yeah. I have to talk to you about something." He said taking off his head phones and turning around in his office chair.
"Umm sure. But it doesn't sound too good."
"Yeah. It's not." He scoffed.
"Oh no. What's wrong?"
"Matt wants me to fire you."
My heart sunk.
Fired? Why??
"O-Oh. Okay." I looked down.
I admit I did have a crush on him. He was cute and funny and so caring. And I could tell he didn't want to do what he had to.
"Yeah. So you get a week notice and then you have to leave."
"Do I get to know why I'm fired?" I squeaked.
"Matt said you're just not bringing enough to the table, acting like a very minor character even for the type of job you have."
I leaned my head down again and my bottom lip quivered.
"I-I'm sorry y/n."
"N-no it's-its Okay."
I walked out of the office and to mine. As soon as I did I closed the door and sat at my desk.
I picked up my desk as I let silent tears fall onto my cheeks. My vision got blurry as more tears wanted to cascade down my face all at once.
Soon I couldn't hold it back and I let out a sob. I placed my head on my desk and cried. I sat there just wondering how this could get worse. Luckily it didn't but, it could have.
I heard a knock on the door and I wiped my eyes and tanner walked in.
He noticed my eyes and asked me what was wrong. I ran into his arms and cried.
"I got fired."
"What?? Why?" He asked pushing me back so I could look in his eyes.
"Because I'm lacking performance."
He hugged me again. Tanner was like my older brother. He started working here just a couple months before me. He was my first friend here and Connor was my second. Connor was out today which really sucked because a hug from him would have been great too.
"I'm sorry y/n. I know this must suck."
"It does." I spoke as I let out hitching inhalations
Woods walked in to see us hugging. I let go of tanner and looked away from woods. I know it wasn't his fault but just looking at him made me want to start crying again. And I didn't want to cry in front of him.
"Look y/n I'm sorry. Please don't be mad at me."
"It's not you I'm mad at." I said still continuing to pack my stuff away. Tanner had walked out of the room. Not wanting to hear it.
"Why won't you look at me?"
"Because why?"
"Because I don't want you to see me cry." I said placing my hands on the table. Resting them in defeat. I looked away even farther. He turned me to him and placed his hands on my hips as I looked at him.
"It's okay to cry. Especially in front of me. Because I care about you."
My heart may have just melted into nothing.
"Really?" I asked.
"Yes. Really."
I smiled and looked at him. He wiped my tears away with his thumb and placed his hand lightly on my cheek.
"I like you. A lot." He whispered.
"I like you too." I whispered back.
He leaned in and pressed his lips to mine. They were soft like I expected. I have never loved anything more then this moment. For a year and a half I've wanted this. And I loved every second.
He let go and I blushed. I looked down and he placed a finger under my chin and pushed my head up lightly.
"Don't be embarrassed."
"I-I'm not. I'm just happy."
"But I do have to pack my stuff." I say turning to my desk.
"Okay. I'll help you."

One week later

Today was my last day. I had found a job at a company across the street. They admired my work and decided to hire me. I loved that I still worked so close and was able to go see everyone when I was out of work. I worked from 8-3:30 and was payed very well. I made new friends at the company and I felt so welcomed. But it wasn't my old office. I'll never be able to top the warmth and love of my old work space. I miss woods and tanner and Connor. I miss my office and my guest appearances on battle universe and rekt.
I would look out the window all day and stare at the building. But I was also happy here. They loved me and loved my work. They wanted to make sure I was happy and I am! So happy.

After work I went back to hi 5 studios and walked into blue base. Woods was hanging out and I surprised him with a kiss on the cheek.
"Y/n!" He said happily as he kissed me with passion.
He hugged me tight and whispered "I missed you."
Everyone else care flooding over.
They all gave me a group hug.
I may have a new job with loving supporters, but nothing will ever top this office right here, and no one will ever top my boyfriend.

Wood you be mine?: Woodland Demars x reader Where stories live. Discover now