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"Come on! You're getting out of the office!" Woods shouted as he pulled me out of my office chair.
"Where are we even going?" I asked.
He never answered but pulled me out of the building and made me stand by his car.
He reached into the backseat and pulled out Minnie Mouse ears.
He plopped them on my head and said "Disney world."
My eyes widened.
"I've never been to Disney before." I smiled.
"Well that's why I'm taking you. That's what joey and Mathias said. So I'm taking you because I'm a good boyfriend who doesn't want his princess to go without seeing the castle." He opened my door and ushered me in.
I sat down with a giggle and he walked to the drivers side.
He started the car and put on a Disney playlist.
We sang loudly and laughed with each other.
"You're really hyping this up aren't you?" I laughed.
"Maybe just a little." He scrunched his nose and altered his voice.
We pulled in the parking lot and he opened his door and got out. I tried to get out but he told me to wait. He went to the other side and opened my door.
"Your carriage has arrived malady."
I chuckled and got out.
"Shall we?" He asked as he held out his arm for me to grasp.
We walked in and got settled.
"Okay now what do you want to do first?"
"Let's just walk around. I want to enjoy everything." I sighed.
"Fine with me." He laughed.
We walked around, hand in hand.
I was walking until I was smacked with the smell of ice cream.
"Babe! Ice cream?!"
"Want one?" He asked.
I nodded vigorously and he turned to face me.
"Okay. I'll get you one."
We walked in the cute little shop and got an ice cream. I got a chocolate swirl to share with woods.
"You can finish it." I said as he tried to hand it back to me.
"Okay." He replied shrugging.
We waited for our stomachs to settle before we went on any roller coasters.
We walked around the flower lined paths and met a couple Disney characters.
We walked for a while before I felt a tug on my hand. I looked back to see Gaston looking at me.
"Ah. Such a beautiful day for such a beautiful woman."
"Ah, Gaston. How... lovey... to see you." I joked.
"I know right?" He flexed.
"Yes well, I must be going now. My boyfriend is waiting for me."
Gaston's eyes widened.
"Boyfriend?! But... but I thought you loved me."
"Wow, first belle and now me. Oh Gaston, when will you ever learn that you're just a little too late!" I laughed.
I grabbed woods hand and he wrapped an arm around my waist.
"This boy?" Gaston started "this boy is your boyfriend?"
"Yes. Yes, he is."
"W-well. This is HIGHLY inappropriate! I am strong! Handsome. I have a jawline that goes for days! And you choose this scrawny little man over me."
"All day Gaston. Why don't you go find something to shoot?"
I walked off with woods in shock.
"Well that was freaking awesome! Can you do that with another character?"
"I don't know. Kinda just heat of the moment."
"Heat of the moment, huh?" He smirked.
Woods stopped and pulled me in.
He pressed his lips to mine and I almost lost balance.
He pulled away and smiled "sorry. I guess it was... the heat of the moment." He mocked.
"Oh, very funny Woods."
"Come on. Let's get in some rides."
We rode splash mountain, the cat in the hat ride, its a small world, and the pirates of the Caribbean ride. After that it was starting to get dark and I was tired.
"Are you ready to go home?"
I nodded and yawned.
We walked past the shops until something caught my eye.
I stopped and looked into the window.
"Awwww!! Elephant plushy!!"
"Do you want it?"
I looked at the price and got discouraged.
"Nah. It's too much. I don't want you to spend that much on me."
"Babe, you've gotten one ice cream today. I can spend a little more then you think."
"Would you really get it for me?"
"Of course."
Woods walked into the shop and let me pick one out.
"Babe. I'm gonna go to the bathroom! I'll be right back." I walked into the hallway and went to the bathroom. I yawned as I washed my hands and realized how tired I was getting. I walked back out and saw woods standing outside.
"Ready?" He asked.
I nodded and took my elephant from him.
We got into the car and he turned to me.
"I got something for you." He stared
"What is it?"
He pulled out a Disney box and opened it.
"It's a promise ring. I can't really give you much else until I actually propose to you so this is the second best."
I put the ring on and hugged woods.
"Thank you. This is so pretty!"
"I'm glad you like it baby."
I kissed him passionately and let him drive home.

Woods POV
I was about twenty minutes away from home when I looked over to see y/n fast asleep in the passengers seat.
She cradled her elephant in her arms and I looked down to see the ring sparkling from the street lights.
One day I'll actually put a ring on her finger.
One day.

Wood you be mine?: Woodland Demars x reader Where stories live. Discover now