Why me? Pt 1

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I was a new intern. Worked at chill records. Boss was a great man. I knew a girl who worked here, very beautiful for that fact. She had a great singing voice and a lovely attitude to go along with her sense of style that was just on point! Her name was Cathrine. I passed by her occasionally, giving her a wave and a smile as we briefly encountered each other. She was nice. Friends with a lot of people here. But not friends with me...

I was working at my desk when she walked up to me and was acting really friendly.
"What's up?" I asked.
"Nothing much. Just wondering if you wanted to get out of your office and travel around with me." She spoke.
"Umm. Sure?" I questioned as I slowly stood up.
"Don't be so scared. Everyone here is super nice." She said as she nodded.
We walked out and around to all the other bases, I think that's what they are called. It's what I've heard them called at least.
"Welcome to blue base. This is where battle universe is shot and just some crazy vlogs. This is also where the big bosses office is." She said showing me around.
"Most major people have an office here." She said as she continues to walk down the main hallway of the base. I heard reving and then pings. "But there are also the idiots who have their offices here." She said as she pointed to some guys messing with nerf guns.
"Hey! Boys! I want you to meet the new girl."
They all stopped and looked at me. They dropped what they were doing and walked to me.
"Y/n these are the boys. Boys this is y/n." She introduced.
"Hi." I waved.
"Hey." They all replied.
"Well. I gotta get to my recording sesh but have fun with them." Catherine said.
"O-Okay. Bye." I waved as she left.
Shit. Now what do I do?
I sat there awkwardly and they finally spoke up.
"Well I'm tanner." He said holding out his hand. I shook it and other guys spoke.
"I'm Paul and this is Connor." I looked over to them and they smiled and waved.
"And I'm woods." I turned as I heard his voice.
When I saw his face my heart leaped.
Jesus tap-dancing Christ! He's cute.
I smiled and waved.
"So you wanna join us?" Tanner said picking up his nerf gun.
"I-I don't know." I said awkwardly.
"Come on it'll be fun." Woods encouraged.
I couldn't say no to him. My heart wanted to follow him.
"S-sure I guess."
They all cheered and I walked into the middle and they gave me the rules. We played for hours until closing time.
"It was nice meeting you all." I said as I walked to my car.
"Nice meeting you too!" Tanner said back.
I waved as everyone got in the car and the person who waved back was woods. I got in my car and huffed.
"I can't go liking people. Especially someone who probably has a girlfriend. How can't he? He's gorgeous!" I said aloud to myself.
I just sighed and drove home.

The next morning I had nothing to do at work so I stopped by blue base.
Matt, the ceo, had walked downstairs.
"Hey boss, have you seen Catherine or any of the boys?"
"No why?" He asked
"Just wondering." I whispered, half intending him to hear.
A couple minutes later Catherine and the boys showed up.
"Hey guys! What took you so long?"
"Nothing, just talking outside." Catherine said as she pointed to the door.
"Oh okay. Well i have nothing to do today so I was wondering if anyone wanted to hang."
"Can't. I got gg to shoot today with Paul and Connor." Tanner said.
"And I got recording to do." Catherine said.
"And I gotta set up for rekt." Woods added.
"Okay. Well then Ill just figure something out then." I nodded and walked out.
Who am I kidding? I am just always gonna be alone.
I walked to my car and ran my hand through my hair. My keys clanged and it rung in my ear.
"Wait!" I heard a faint call. I halted and looked back.
Woods ran up to me and stopped.
"Why don't you hang with us? Maybe be in a rekt video?" He asked.
"I-Uh... sure." I smiled on the inside.
"Great! Common!" He turned and I walked with him. I tilted my head down and smiled.
I'm glad he cares

I walked in and all the guys were getting ready and I stood there on my phone.
I texted my friends and told them everything was going good.
"Ready?" Woods asked catching my attention.
I was in a rekt shirt, ready to go onto camera.
They introduced themselves and then me.
"And we have the lovely y/n with us today! And tell us what you do because, I can't remember."
"I am a system director and recording manager for chill records." I say.
They move on and get through the video. They were doing a armor challenge and we had to throw knives and shoot bows.
"Okay. Y/n gets a try." Tanner said
"Well I don't know. I might make you guys look bad." I poked.
"How?" Connor asked
"I'm pretty good at combat. That's what happens when your family loves it." I bragged
"Well then show us Mrs perfect at everything!" Woods pushed.
I grabbed a throwing blade and aimed it at the dummies eye. "If I can hit his eye, y'all have to give me five bucks each." I said focusing in.
"Deal." They all say.
"Don't get too cocky." Tanner poked.
"Oh I'm not."
I threw it and it hit directly in the eye.
"I'll take my twenty bucks!" I said dusting my hands off.
We shot bows and other things like that and then the video was over.
"You were really impressive! I'm gonna have to watch out for you l/n." Connor spoke
I smiled and folded my arms.
"Well we gotta go! Gg is in ten minutes!" Paul said. Him, Connor and tanner walked out leaving me with woods.
"Thanks for letting me in today's video." I spoke out.
"No problem. I kinda just wanted go spend time with you. I mean like- not in a weird way like- you know"
I laughed which made him stop.
"It's okay. I know. I'm glad you wanted me to be here. And... do you really think I'm perfect at everything?" I asked hesitant.
"I think YOU are perfect." He whispered.
I blushed. I rushed out. I couldn't take it.

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