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Tenshi POV:

"Hold up, who's Stain?" I ask the table.

"Stain is an irrelevant pawn." Shiggy says. I roll my eyes and Dabi responds, "He's just mad Stain stole his thunder." Toga giggles. "SHUT UP STAPLE FACE!"

I give a faint smile and Twice starts gushing, "AHHH Tenshi, your so pretty when you smile!" Little flowers start popping up around his head, 'Tch.' I turn away from everyone as they look at me, "Can I go home now, I have to go to school in like two days."

"THEN LETS KEEP HER FOR TWO DAYS!" Toga and Twice cheer. I roll my eyes and fold my arms, while slumping in my chair.

"No, she'll leave in the morning, but you keep your promise." Shiggy looks at me and says. I sigh and nod.

The rest of the day was tiring, Toga and Twice talk....a lot. Dabi kept hitting on me, I felt Shiggy's eyes on me the whole time, and Kurogiri...he was actually fine. I feel like he's just the tired parent when it comes to this group. He made me a few drinks too, even though I'm not "of age".

"What are...internships?" I asked out of the blue and for some reason that caught everyone's attention. 'Annoying.' I should've just looked it up, attention is tiring, another reason why I never wanted to be a hero. "If you're talking about for UA, then internships are like jobs, you're working for top rated heros to soon become a sidekick or a hero yourself." Kurogiri answers me. I just blink I'm response.

"Aren't internships already started?" Toga asks, 'Everything in that sentence was wrong. How annoying.' Shiggy responds saying, "Go back to school brat. You're Grammer stinks."

"Anyways, yes they have. Have you been chosen for one Tenshi?" Kurogiri asks me. I shrug, "I guess."

"If it's for All Might-" Shiggy tries to say something, but I lift my hand up to pause him, "It's for some bunny hero." They all look confused for a second.

"OH the really sexy one, I think he name's Mirko?" Toga yells and I sigh, "Whatever."

"So you really know nothing about the entire hero society....like at all?" Twice asks me and I roll my eyes, "I guess."

"You brat then how did you even get in UA?" Shiggy asks looking irritated. 'Tch. Annoying.'

"Recommended. Idiot." Shiggy reaches out his hand to me and I grab his finger, he gives me a surprised look. Soon he pulls away from me and clicks his tongue.

"I'm going out." I get up and attempt to leave but I feel a hand on my wrist. I immediately yank my hand away and see it's Dabi, "Bacon face." He rolls his eyes and grins, "Lemme join you." I roll my eyes and keep walking, "I don't care."

"Well if you don't care, then can me and Twice come?" Toga cheerfully asks, I sigh and just keep walking

"YAY it's wasn't a no!" Twice exclaims. "Let's all go." Dabi says whilelooking to see my reaction. "Tch." I grab the door and walk out with everybody else behind me, 'How annoying.'

I just went to the dollar store to get some Ginger Ale, chips, and dark chocolate. "Dark chocolate?" Dabi asks me as we are both waiting for everyone else to stop robbing the store.

"What?" I don't even look at him and just continue drinking my soda. "Most kids don't like dark chocolate."

"If I'm a kid stop hitting on me." He laughs and wraps his arm around me, 'Annoying.' "I side step away from him and he says, "I will...if you answer a few questions for me."

I sigh in response he says, "Great, first quest-" he's interupted when Toga, and Twice bust out of the store empty handed.

I side eye them with my eyebrow raised and Toga says, "We had a great plan to just have Kurogiri transport them to the hideout, WE'LL HAVE SNACKS FOREVERRRR!"

I sigh, 'What a pain. I'm tired.' We all walk back to the hideout, but it was slow because Dabi kept bumping into strangers and they kept yelling, so Toga had to kill them. Twice kept wanting to stop everywhere for absolutely no reason. We aren't even halfway there yet and it's been like an hour. I tap Kurogiri who looks almost as tired as me, "Teleport me to my house."

"I'm afraid you'll have to wait til the morning Tenshi." He tells me, so I tap him again, "Teleport me to the hideout." He sighs and silently opens a portal, sadly Shiggy also noticed and he walked in with me.

Now me and him are in the hideout alone and he looks at me, while I start slowly cleaning up the mess of snacks, drinks, food boxes, and whatever other shit they stole up in that store. 'What a pain.'

Shiggy just goes to his room like the depressed teen he is and doesn't come out. By the time I'm done cleaning I hear the annoying group bust in, along with Kurogiri. "TENNNN-TENNN WHERE WERE YOUUU! IS SHIGGY-SAN HERR AS WELL!"

I roll my eyes and walk away, 'Loud.' They all played rock paper scissors to see who's room I'd stay in and what shitty luck I have.

"Hey little mouse." I sigh and ignore him as I try to make a bed on the floor. He sits on his bed and burns the comforter and cover I had on the floor. I glare at him and he says, "Guess you have to sleep with me now." I roll my eyes and take the pillow before he burns that too. "I'll sleep on the couch."

He gives me a slightly irritated look as I make my way out, "Your grandparents...." I stop walking, "I saw them on the news when I was younger, (Imma just make random names) Shi-no Enzerusu and Koi Shinrai , they weren't heros, but they saved a lot of people."

I grip the pillow, "I don't care." I walk out of them room and plop down on the couch, 'Tch annoying.' I let one and only one tear drop from my eyes and fell asleep.

Dabi POV:

"Awww she's so cute when she's sleeping." Toga whispers, not wanting to wake Tenshi up. Twice comes out of his room and I sigh, 'Here it comes.'

"Eeeeeeee so adorable." They both start silently squeling. Tenshi shifts a bit and they shut up. Kurogiri is making me a drink because....I don't need a fucking reason why. Skin flakes comes out and says, "Why are yall whispering?" We all shush him and point to the sleeping child and he gets angry, but ultimate calms down.

"Give it a blanket. Wait where did the blanket and shit I gave her go?" He starts whisper yelling. I start whistling and just walk back to my room.

I come out with my blanket and throw it over Ten's body. "Awww soft Dabi." Toga gushes and I flick her off.

Her and Twice chuckle and I hear Kurogiri in the back as well. I sit at the bar and eventually get my drink, "So are you going to keep your promise?" Kurogiri asks me. I roll my eyes, "Don't know yet....she's different now." I chug it and tap the glass, asking for more.

'The little runt has grown up a lot.' All of a sudden I hear Skin flakes whisper yelling at Toga, "Are you crazy, she'll kill you." 'As long as he knows.'

I hear Toga whine, "But I just wanna look like her, she's so prettyyyyy." I hear this and turn around. Toga has a knife to Ten's face, I sigh as walk over to them. I grab the knife out of Toga's hands, "Will you all shut up, unless you want to wake up an angry sleep deprived teen who's quirk can literally initiate death."

They all disperse, Skin flakes went back to his room, Twice and Toga are looking over Tenshi and I'm at the bar. Kurogiri went to wherever the hell he sleeps.

I eventually go to my room and feel cold, 'Damn kid has my cover.' I sigh and just use my bed sheet as a cover and go to sleep.

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