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I wake up and see it's around the time I should be waking up for school. 'Guess I really was tired.' I got up and walked to the bathroom. No one else is up yet, so luckily I don't have to talk to anyone. I turn on the shower and wait a little for the hot water to go on. 'Man I really don't wanna go.' I feel the water and it's hot. 'Relaxing.' I get in.

"Bye." I say as I leave my mom and Boy and Girl in the kitchen, when I'm done eating. "Bye sweetie." Mother says. "Bye." The cousins say. I'm walking through the shortcut and I see wimpy boy and angry boy walking, one in front of the other. I ignore them, but I can sense that one of them saw me. As I continue my walk I see purple boy and he gives me a nod and I nod back. 'Jeez I'm tired.'

Once I see the school I see angry boy and wimpy boy walking from a direction, which I think is the train station. I walk in and find the 1A door and walk in and sit down at the empty desk isolated in the corner. I start listening to Why'd you only Call me when your high? By Artic Monkeys. I thought I heard humming to the song, but all I see next to me is angry blonde.

The tired teacher walks in and doesn't say anything, just walk in and goes to sleep. After a few seconds the students start chatting with each other. The flirty boy comes up to me, "Hey." 'What a pain.' "Hi." I respond. He seems anxious about something, 'Tch what does she want?'

"So how are you liking UA?" I hate small talk so I just sigh at the question, "What do you want?" I see him visibly jump up from my directness, "I wanted to ask for your number." I sigh, "Don't text me or call me for some dumb shit." I just give it to him, so he'll leave me alone, hopefully forever he nods furiously and turns around with a big smile on his face while walking back to the colorful group.

'Annoying.' To be honest he might share my number, but I don't care as long as no one texts me or call me, I'm already barely on my phone and I don't want a reason to be on it more. I only really use my phone to call Mother and listen to music. I have a computer, I mainly use that for watching anime and shows and stuff.

Anyways school stuff, school stuff and fast forward to lunch because it's the only time when I don't want to gouge out my ears. I go up to the roof, even though students aren't suppose to be up there, I don't care because I don't even wanna be a student here.

I get up there and already see someone there. I sigh and just turn  around to leave, but the person sees me, 'Tch kill me.' "Who are you?" I turn around and get a better look at the person, and it's purple boy. "A person." Thats a very broad question. "Tsk, you're that rude new girl right? Tenshi?" 'I'm not rude.' "I'm not rude, tch." I have my glasses on, so when I look up at the sun it also doesn't hurt my eyes, 'Big ball of hot gas.' "Hm sure. You're pretty popular y'know?" He turns back around from me to look at the scenery. "Dont know why." He hums in response and I sit criss crossed next to the door, not wanting to sit next to him.

It was quiet, 'Nice,' but since I can never be happy, someone barges to the roof, 'Tch annoying.' Before I could even look up some one drags me across the groud inside, the last thing I see is purple boy looking at me in shock. I've been dragged across floors many times so I just let them do it, whoever it was. 'What a pain.' In the middle of the stairwell I notice they're not doing it roughly, it's like dragging a little kid from a ball pit.

Once we get to a classroom, which I assume is the next class I'm suppose to be in after lunch, they stop. "You were just gonna let me drag you the whole way?" I sigh and nod, without looking up, but by the voice of the person it is raccoon eyes. She let's me go and I get up to face the colorful group, I start to turn around, but she ran behind me to cover the door. "Are yall raping me or something?" I was really confused, youd be surprised how often sexual assault starts by a random woman coming up to you onstead of a man. The one normal-ish looking one in the group started laughing, "I'm sorry, but what the fuck." The flirtatious boy says questions as well while trying to hold back laughter, "Out of all the things that could happen in here, why did you ask rape?"

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