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Denki POV:

The entire time walking back to my house, it's like my heart is throbbing, but like a happy throb, but it still hurts.

It hasn't even been a month, but Tenshi...she's something else. She's beautiful, strange but in a good way, different to say the least, she's the kind of person you'd want to get to know.

Although it's kind of hard because of how tough and intimidating she is, she's a common topic in school, but I doubt she knows that, she never pays attention yet somehow maintains the highest grade in class. Whether people like it or not we all also know she is the hottest girl, she's not soft and nice like all the other girls, she's blunt and rude, but if you ask me I think it's kinda hot and most of the guys in year 1 agree.

I was talking with Tokoyami and a few others the yesterday and I have no idea how we got to this topic, but the boys in 1A were talking about how she would act as a girlfriend, first of all my heart would be having spirals if she was my girlfriend. I said that I think she'd be protective, caring, a bit of a tsundere, and mean to everyone except you.

Kiri said she'd be open and energetic, clingy, and a home body.

Sero said she'd be chill, kind of a ride or die girl, loyal asf, and would literally spit on any other guy that comes her way or just scare the shit out of them.

Tokoyami said she'd be sensitive, but try to cover it up, she would be more open about things in the middle of the night when both of you are like half asleep, and that her love language would be quality time.

Although when he mentioned her love Language the boys and even the girls, because they overheard, got into a debate on what her love language would be.

Most of us agreed on either quality time or acts of service, but Hagakure, Uraraka, Ojiro, and Momo said it'd be giving gifts.

Bakugou was the only one that said physical touch, honesty I was surprised he answered the question at all, out of all of us he seems to want to avoid her the most, but I refuse to let that happen because they're literally the boy and girl, black and Japanese versions of each other.

Anyways back to what I was saying, she's popular, I guess you could say, in school, nobody dares approach, talk to, or even stare ta her because let's be honest who's going to fuck with someone who doesn't even use their real name, not even the teachers use her real name. If I wasn't an idiot sometimes I would've stayed away from her too, but I'm glad I didn't because I feel like me and her could be really close.

Bakugou POV:

I go back to the beach, because I didn't see the dancing girl tonight.

When I get there I see a girl figure, walking slowly back and forth as the waves crash around her, almost as if she's controlling them.

"Why am I always running into these fucking beautiful girls at night." I say to myself, but I  instantly regret it because as I" walk closer I see it's just Reaper Face. 'AHHH SHIT I TAKE IT BACK!'

I turn around and walk away, but I feel her eyes on me, I try to not care and shake the feeling off but I turn back round and stare at her, "WHAT THE HELL DO YOU WA-" she puts a finger to her lips, she looks calm. "Tch." I walk up to her and take off my slides.

"What are you still doing here?" I ask and she doesn't answer, instead she seems in deep thought, her jaw is clenched, shoulders tensed up, and eyes not moving. "Oi." I say loud enough to snap her back, she looks at me with her normal facial expression, "Tch, I said what are you still doing here?" She stares and blinks at me for a second, I notice her glasses are off and her eyes match perfectly with the stars and the sky. "Oh...I like it."

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