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*Disclaimer: Goes a bit fast paced here*

Denki POV:

I walk in class and see Tenshi sitting in the back asleep.

I go up to her, "Hey babe. You're real early." She looks at me tiredly, "Yea." I smile and sit next to her.

I kind of just look at her, 'She doesn't have her glasses.' I'm pulled out of my trance when Tokoyami taps me and says to stop, I look creepy.

A deep blush covers my face, 'Was I staring that bad!?' I just get on my phone until class starts and try to wake Tenshi up but she doesn't even budge, so I decided I won't bother her unless we go outside to train or something.

It's now lunch and Tenshi has been asleep at her desk all day. I get my food and Tenshi's and drop hers off at her desk and hopefully when she wakes up she's hungry.

I then go down a quiet and dark hallway and open a door, "Bout time, okay everybody!" I'm at the Tenshi fanclub!

"Now that everyone is here-" Kiri is interupted by Bakugou, "No one cares, can we hurry this shit up!"

Kiri smiles, "No. Anyways now that the vice president, president, and founders are all here let's talk about Tenshi, only good things here people." He steps down and everyone is literally just talking about Tenshi. It's weird but at the same time kind of cool, she hates attention and here we all are giving her the most.

I overhear a conversation with Monoma and others, "Yea she's amazing, beautiful, and etc. But she's still in class 1A so there is obviously some flaws." Kendo knocks him upside the head and Shihai and Tokoyami are agreeing how she has a dark aura...I don't know if that's a compliment.

Bakugou is over pouting in the corner and Kiri is trying to motivate him but eventually leaves him alone to go with the others.

"Heyyy kacchan!" He flicks me off, "Go die Dunce face." I wrap an arm around his shoulder and he smack me away, "Y'know Tenshi IS by herself eating alone in class. Maybe someone should accompany her."

He rolls his eyes, "I don't give a shit, now get the hell out of my face." I shrug and start walking to the door and he grabs the back of Mt collar to pull me back and walks out first, 'I am so smart.'

I hum to myself as I go talk around with all the ladies.....and Sero I guess.

Tenshi POV:

I am already done eating....the food isn't bad, but it is small. But I'm not going back for seconds. I'll just starve and die.

I put my plate on Denki's desk and hear the door open aggressively. I don't look up to know it's the annoying blonde. I put I my esrbuss to ignore his presence but he gets closer, "OI DON'T IGNORE ME!" He pounds his fist on my desk and I sigh and ignore him.

He grits his teeth and shakes my desk so I get up and move to a new one, but he picks me up and places me on top of the desk and I sigh, "What." He huffs, "You're a fucking loner, you know that!"

I blink, "So are you." He sigh and says, "Shut up at least I don't try to fucking die in the middle of the ocean." I glance at him, "At least I don't save people trying to die in the middle of the ocean."

He clenches up his fists and explosions come put of his hands. The rest of the day was odd, me and Denki talked but me and Bakugou talked more. And a lot more people than usual keep staring at me in awe or something.

But when school was over for the weekend I hung out with Denki after school and he forced me to create Tiktok or an account, whatever it was. And the first video made was just me lip syncing lyrics in the mirror. I didn't get it, but for some reason Denki was happy about it.

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