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Tenshi POV:

I started thinking about my time in Korea while I was slowly eating and picking at my food.

Bakugou noticed because when dinner was over I offered to wash the dishes and the loud lady forced the blonde to help me.

"Oi snap out of it." He says while drying the cooking pot. "Out of what." I sigh and continue cleansing the food off the dishes.

"Being all sad looking. It's weird." He huffs and the rest of the time was quiet. I felt him staring at me ever since we went back upstairs. I wanted to go back to sleep, but he didn't let me. Everytime I tried to even lay down or touch the bed he picked me up and threw me.on the floor saying, 'No lazy ass.' Or 'Stop being lazy stupid extra.'

I have now made comfort on the floor and he doesn't know, so I start drifting off to sleep until he threw a book at me, "OI WAKE UP DAMMIT!" I sit up and glare at him.

I roll under his bed and go back to sleep, he growls. He lays down on the floor, but his big and muscular ass can't fit down here, I can barely fit down here tbh. My butt and thighs are squished against the bottom of the bed. He stares at me like I'm a cat hiding under the bed.

"Get out." I flick him off and turn my head the other way, but I feel the surface lift up and I look to see he is holding up the bed in one hand and immediately drags me out with the other, "Tch, what are you on steroids?" I whisper to myself as he sets the bed down, "I SAID GET FROM UNDER THE BED, THAT SHIT WAS HEAVY!" I roll my eyes, "Guess you're not as strong as you think you are."

He grits his teeth in an ugly manner and pulls me up from the floor by my arm and his grip is tight. "THIS IS MY HOUSE NOT YOURS YOU DAMN EXTRA! WHY ARE YOU EVEN HERE!?"

I blink, "My parents had sex." He sweatdrops, "Tf are you stupid? I mean why are you HERE, in my house....dumbass." he drops me and I land on my feet and rub my wrist with my clothes, "You wanted to train and it got late. Your house was closer." He growls because I'm right. "Oh also your mom likes me. I don't know why, it's weird, I'm not a real likable person." He scoffs, "Hell no your not."

He plops down on his bed and keeps eyeing a certain stack of not so hidden shoujo manga. I walk to it and pick up the first one. He practically pounces on me to grab it out of my hand, "OI THIS IS MY STUFF!" I sigh because it is too late to be this loud.

"Calm down. Stop being so angry it makes you seem ugly, which is an insult to your mother because you two look just alike." I place my index finger on his forehead and he pouts, "Whatever, I don't care about that old hag." I blink at him, "So if I stabbed her and killed right in front of you in cold blood....you wouldn't care." He looks at me shocked, "OF COURSE I'D CARE ABOUT THAT, YOU MURDE-" I cut him off, "Then you DO care about her. Don't go saying serious things so easily. Take others feelings into consideration."

He scoffs, "You should be telling yourself that." He continuously glares at me, but not in the way he usually does I guess. "I'd rather teach people what not to do than do it myself. Like I said I'm a terrible person." He rolls his eyes, "Yeah well you're in the hero course so the rat and Eraserhead must see something in you..." he kinds of stop after he realized what he said was uplifting.

It's quiet for a moment and I take my finger off his forehead, "Well then they need glasses. I'd kill all of you just for the hell of it, if I get too pissed and I knew I couldn't get caught." 'Tch, when's this whole invasion thing even happening?'

He grins, "You couldn't kill me." I stare at him and my eyes flash black, "12, you're awfully relaxed." He clicks his tongue, but jumps up when I touch his biceps, "You're relaxed, but tight. Must be uncomfortable." I shrug to myself and turn back to his manga, he puts the book in his hand away and kind of leaves it there over my head and shoulder.

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