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Bakugou POV:

I hate Reaper face. That's all, I just hate her. 'Tch, think she can threaten me...but fuck she looked hot.'

"So who are you to my dear daughter?" I'm assuming the more slender and younger looking woman is her mother, because that other lady looks like she need a fucking rest under all that cake make-up.

"Probably an annoying pervert." I say and she giggles, "Aww that's exactly what she said, you two think a like." I shrug my shoulders, "No she's just a pain in the ass. You know she tried to kill me like 5 times since we met." The nice lady smiles, "That sounds like her. Don't worry, she won't unless for good reason. Have you given her a good reason?" I don't know how, but her and her mother's demeanor is somehow the same. Sure her mom keeps a smile on her face, but something about it seems....weird.

"Hell no-" I see the other lady glare at me, 'Geez what the hell is up with her family?' I click my tongue and sit back, "She tried to kill me first....after I broke her glasses and shit." I look to the side to avoid their gazes and her mom laughs, "Oh dear don't do that, she has a superstition that she'll go blind without them-" the other lady taps her and her mom slightly covers her mouth, "W-" I get cut off when Tenshi comes in from the kitchen with her shades on.

And her mother goes back to the cheery smile, "Hello dear, dinner was delicious. Thank you, both of you." Tenshi squint her eyes, "Welcome." And goes upstairs after grabbing paper from a thin drawer.

'Yea something is definitely wrong with this f-' all of a sudden my train of thought stops and I couldn't help but look at Tenshi as she went up the stairs. Her curved in waist paired with the way she walks, swaying her hips a bit. I snap myself out of it, 'The fuck was that?!'

I follow her upstairs and she almost slammed the door on my face, "HEY WHAT WAS THAT FOR!?" I hold the door and walk in and slam it shut, "Oh I forgot about you....what a pain." She goes to her desk and writes something on the paper, her handwriting is really good.

I look over her shoulder and she side eyes me, "What." I growl, "Nothing. You just have nice handwriting." She hums, "Oh....thank you."

It looks like she wrote a letter and when she's done she gets up and leaves for a second and comes back in the same minute.

I huff to myself and sit on the bed and scroll through my phone.

Tenshi POV:

I get back and see Bakugou all comfortable on my bed. I look at him and he notices me as I close the door, "On the floor." I say and he scoffs and goes back to his phone. I blink and turn off the light and climb over him and kick him off the bed.

"OI WHAT THE HELL!" He groans and I hmph, "I told you to get off." He tries to rip the covers off me but it's too late I already wrapped myself in a burrito, so he growls, "Fine, don't say shit when you get cold I swear." I don't say anything and I go to sleep, it's been a tiring day.

I wake up in the middle of the night with chills even though the blanket is still wrapped around me. I look down at Bakugou and he is surprisingly still on the floor asleep, kind of sprawled out.

I crawl down to the floor and snuggle closer to him, accidentally waking him up and he softly groans, " I fucking told you." I shush him and he chuckles and we fall sleep on the floor.

I wake up slightly when I hear tapping and look up to see I am back on the bed and the angry blonde is holding me with one arm and doing something on his phone with his other hand. He looks surprisingly calm.

I go back to sleep for a little because I was comfortable and when I wake back up he is big spooning me, but I can tell he is still awake, 'What a morning person. I hate it.' He rubs in coherent shapes on my arm until I turn around to face him. He looks at me and I look at him, "Morning dumbass." I nod because it is too early to talk, especially to someone else.

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