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"I am walking to the woods with a stranger-" I am cut off from my conversation with Denki over the phone by the said stranger, "I AM NOT A STRANGER YOU FUCKING EXTRA WE JUST SAW EACH OTHER!" I shoo him away and shush him.

After a couple of minutes standing in the forest talking to Denki and avoiding Bakugou me and Denki hang up and I'm left with a pouting blonde. "ARE YOU AND DUNCE FACE DONE YET!?" I sigh, "Stop whining."

"No quirks and no yelling you're too loud here." I throw him my guns and they have silencers on them, "I have blades you have guns now it's even." He scoffs, "Yea right, you're begging to lose now." I ignore his comment and when we start I immediately knocked the guns out of his hands and he goes to dodge as I come to attack.

When we're done the sun is about to rise and me and him are laying in the grass. I get up and he looks at me, "What are you doing?" I gathered stuff and say, "To the beach, the sun is about it rise." I don't do it a lot but if the sun is about to rise and I'm already up, I go somewhere to watch. Usually like a tall building, the beach, my roof, etc.

He huffs, "You're not going alone idiot." He gets up and stretches and I shrug and walk in the direction of the beach. When we get there we're right on time and I sit on the beach as he stands above me.

The sun starts rising and I feel a drop of water on my skin. I look up and it was like I reached heaven. A beautiful sun rise and it's raining, the only thing better than that I'd probably a beautiful sun set while raining.

"Oi it's about to rain." I shoo him away, You can leave. I'm staying." He huffs and sits down next to me, "Tch, I thought you hated everything and everyone." I shrug, "No just everyone." He makes a 'heh' sound.

It's quiet for a long while until after the sun has fully risen I get up and so does the spikey haired blonde. I hold my hand out and he looks at me weird, "Dance, not like we haven't done it before." He takes my hand and it's starts raining a bit heavier, so my braids are dripping down and his hair isn't in a spikey afro anymore. My eyes are closed as he leads.

I feel his excessively hot body heat on my face and skin while he spins me. My bare feet feels all the grains of sand being flown everywhere and lifted up.

Bakugou POV:

'Don't overheat. Don't overheat. Don't overheat. Don't overheat. Don't overheat.' Holy shit she's beautiful as fuck. I spin her to try and make some space between us for me to calm down but I just made it worse. I don't know how to do this shit.

How her braids let go of the droplets of water along with her skirt make her look majestical, like she's not even human. The sun hitting her skin makes her entire body look like gold and I swear if she would've opened her eyes I would lose it.

When I pull her back to me we get even closer, her skin is smooth and soft to the touch as I place my hands back on her waist. My attention goes to her face. When her eyes are closed you really see how much her eyes impact her soft features, she doesn't look even a bit intimidating. Her eyelashes are naturally long and curled perfectly, her eyebrows have a slight curve and multiple slits in them that look like scars. Her full lips have a slight gloss to them as they poke out a bit. Tempting me, I look up away from her and take a deep breath.

The world practically seemed to stop, it's sounds corny and stupidly romantic, but my heart skipped a beat just looking at her peaceful and calm.

I'm brought back to reality when I see a dark figure at the corner of my eye, I can't see a face, but I can almost feel it's anger. I blink once and it's gone.

I didn't have enough time to question what the hell it was when two people that look like they here walk on the beach and the guy says, "Hey you two don't have access here! I'm going to have to ask you to leave!"

I don't have enough time to react when Tenshi whispers, "Act deaf." I smirk and when I feel the girl tap me I hear her get burned. I don't know how Tenshi hasn't gotten burned because I'm overheating a bit, but the rain is cooling me down. "Sir can you hear?" I ignore her words and just look at her weird.

I hold Tenshi close to me and she's a pretty fucking good actor. I almost believed that she was scared. She's looking around and clinging onto me like she's deaf and blind. The guy and lady take a second in silence and the lady just shakes her head and waves bye.

Yea it feels wrong to act disabled just so I could hold Tenshi as long as I could, but fuck her skin is so addictive. I wonder if her lips are too. The two people haven't left yet so I whisper, "Kiss me." Her eyes go back to their usual, 'I will kill you' state as she whispers to me, "I will kill you."

"You owe me something, I just broke the law for your dumbass." She rolls her eyes, "Really the law? The worst thing they would've done was force us out."

"Fine guess I could just tell them the truth then-" she smack me upside the head and gives me the quickest kiss on my cheek, "There now leave. I'm going in the ocean and I don't want you pulling me back in." I keep my grip on her waist, "If you die I was never here." She scoffs, "Yeah whatever." She fixes her hair to redo her high ponytail and goes in the water. I sit on the beach and watch her, just in case.

'Tch, shouldn't even be caring this much. So what if she dies, less competition for me.' I huff, but then I look out and can't see her. It's like this for a good while, so I stand up to see and I still can't see her.

Tenshi POV:

I'm seeing how long I can hold my breath for underwater. I counted 2 minutes and I see Bakugou right in front of me, "What the hell were you doing?" I shrug, "Holding my breath." He grunts, "Idiot." I look at him, "Were you scared or something." He scoffs, "Hell no!" He looks the other way and I shoo him away, "Then leave, I go much farther than this and I don't think you'll be able to catch up." He pulls me closer to him, "Don't get hurt shit head." I roll my eyes, "I dont blondie." I dive underwater and swim.

I let the current take me and with everywhere I get calmer. I start to see a few sea creatures like tiny crabs and small sharks. I almost get lost underwater, in my own world. Then I go up for air because I guess I have to breath and I see I am extremely far away, like almost into the actual ocean far away.

I get caught I'm the current and I know I can't try to outswim it so I just accept that I'm going to die. 'Oh well, bound to happen sometime.'

I then fell a nudge on my back, it's a shark. I think it's actually pushing my to shore a bit.

Shark POV:

'We will not have no more of your kind here, get the hell out. Keep fucking up our shit and killing us. I lost like 10 cousins to yall scary ass humans. Okay water is too shallow for me, bye bye have fun with the crabs.'

Tenshi POV:

I sigh, 'I was close....oh well.' I swim back to shore and Bakugou is angrily waiting with his arms folded and legs crossed.

"Bout fucking time you came back! I thought you died out there, I couldn't even see you!" I shrug, "I almost did. Too bad a shark pushed me to shore." He looks at me wide eyed and grows angrier, this time while he is standing up do he can be taller than me.

"I fucking told your dumbass! When you finally die going out there I'm saying I told you so!" He huffs and I sigh, "How can you talk to me if I'm dead."

He grits his teeth, "I'LL STOMP ON YOUR GRAVE DAMMIT!" I touch his chest because it's the easiest way to calm him down for some reason. "You have boobs." I say blandly and he stops around in the sand, "NO I DONT! STOP TOUCHING ME YOU WEIRDO!" I let him go and he huffs.

I swear I hear talking, like whispering. I can't make it out and only hear a few words, "Kiss....stubborn....boring...push." all of a sudden I'm pushed into Bakugou and we fall into the sand with me laying on top of him.

I hear giggling noises as it fades. I immediately get up to see where it was coming from and I see nothing or no one. I just shrug it off, but Bakugou starts yelling, attracting the workers who were here before.

I huff and get my face really close to his, about a centimeter apart. His face turns to an incredibly red tint as his hand is snaked around my waist. When I hear the people leave I turn around and walk home. For some reason the blonde wasn't moving so I left him.

I walk inside and take a nice shower and sleep, literally the rest of the weekend. Because of this I actually woke up early for school and got there early.

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