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I get at the kill spot 30 minutes before because it's right next to a Cafe I wanted to try and since this might be my last time here I want to get something sweet.

When I get my mini cake I see Forty and Kopy, "Tehe I knew you'd be here. You have the biggest sweet tooth." Forty hugs me and I pull away from her, "Yea. Sup." I say hi to Kopy and he nods back while holding Forty's hand.

I mentally gag, but continue to eat my cake. She tries to take a bit random I threaten to chop off her fingers one by one.

Right before the hit J comes and sits next to me. "Y'know you two would be really cute together." Forty smiles and I look at J and he blushes a bit, he doesn't like me he just gets real shy sometimes with confrontation.

"No." Forty gushes, "Have you finally come to your senses and become attracted to woman Ten." I look at her and Kopy glares at her, "None if your business."

She whines and I quickly get up because it's time.

It's not a big deal, after we kill him we rob his base and get money. I wait til he gets inside and u follow him in. As he goes up tye elevator to the top of the tall building, I follow him using the stairs.

I meet him in front of his floor, because he bought out the whole top two floors.

I cut his head off and the men who were protecting him. I'm just fine that he ordered for cameras to be taken down up here or else I'd need Kopy's help as well.

I text the group it's done and after a few minutes they come up and I get a call from Xion and put on speaker while we load up, "I'm here in my truck, get as much as you want. Remember only one trip."

We get as much as we can steal and carry in our hands, pockets, and bags. We split it up. I got the money and credit/debit cards, Forty got things like valuable antiques, technology, and weapons. Kopy got the jewelry and diamonds and shit. And J had to help Forty because all the valuable shit, she would break.

We walk out quickly and when we get in the truck we take off the clear and thin gloves we were wearing to hide our finger prints.

When we put everything down J hands me the rest of my dessert, "Thank you." He nods and we go back to Xion's house that is cut off from his parents. So it's like he has his own house.

"Okay white boy is rich rich." Forty giggles and Xion sweatdrops, "Yes just look at me like I'm a piece of money."

I'm not good at comforting so u awkwardly pat his back, "You're...good." he smiles, "Thanks Ten." I help everyone split the fortunes equally and for some stupid reason Xion never wants any of it, "What? Is it too dirty for a rich boy?" Kopy instigated and Xion raises his hands up in defense, "No way, I just don't need it or want it."

Kopy rolls his eyes and me and J are quiet, observing the presence in the room. Our group has a weird dynamic and very off-balanced, so it is easy for shit to start.

"Okay everything is split, bye." Me and J get up but they stop us, "Come on yall always leave right after the hit. We barely ever hang out." Forty says and I glare at her, "Tch, annoying. Whatever." I sit back down and now they look at J, "Pleaaasseeeee." Forty gives puppy dog eyes and J sighs, "I'd rather take a nap. Fine."

Xion has his arm wrapped around me and I remind him that if he does it again I'm cutting it off and feeding it to his dogs. He nervously laughs and instantly lets me go.

We leave right after the police come and Xion looks back and this idiot asks them, "Omg what happened." I have to go back and grab him as the police say, "That is confidential, go back with your friends kid." I'm wearing a black mask with Kopy and Forty since we are wanted. They're wanted criminals and I'm wanted as missing, 'Just presume me dead already.'

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