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Tenshi POV:

Dinner is over and everything, I learned the broccoli boy's name is Izuku Midoriya and I guess his nickname is Deku, I also remembered my cousin's names, but I will continue calling them Boy and Girl, and the CD player I ordered is here.

I already grabbed the CD from mother's bottom drawer. Everyone is dying down, wimpy boy and his mom are already gone, but Bakugou and his family is still here for some reason.

I'm about to start the video, when the angry blonde comes busting into my room, "Oi what are you doing?" I sigh, "Get out." He grunts and sees the CD player and sits next to me, "Answer my question. You're putting the disc in wrong dumbass." He flips the disc and I roll my eyes, "What's it look like. Get out." He ignores me and plays the video.


Mom: Hell- Sweetie come on

Dad: I'm coming. I'm coming.

Mother and father are sitting in front of the recording camera.

Mom: Okay, so where should we start first?

They whisper to each other and nod as Mother starts to speak again.

Mom: Okay so we are going big to small hmmm.... well you father and I have quirks and so did your grandmother kinda. Oooo in fact I think you're cousins from my hoe sister does too.

Dad nudges her, "What she knows she's a hoe." Mother says in retaliation and gets back to the point.

Dad: Anyways, my quirk is analytics I can look at something or someone and know everything about them under the sun.

Mom: Yea it freaked me the fuck out when we first started dating

Dad rubs the back of his head in embarrassment, "Sorry." Mom laughs and kissing him on the cheek.

Mom: My quirk is...uhhh I forgot what the term was called but I can see the future....sometimes.....parts of the future.

Dad: Honey it's called Futuristic and you can do more than that.

Mom shoos his, "Yea well that's the gist of it. I can barely use it to my advantage because because the future is always changing." She pouts and he smiles.

Dad: You mother's mom's quirk, may she rest in peace, was Casper. She could talk to ghosts and skeletons. Even control them, but she was much too nice to control anyone.

-Video pause-

Bakugou paused the video and says, "You can't control ghosts and shit." I smack him upside the head, "Don't just pause the video, and no I cant."

He clicks his teeth, "You're parents are corny." I flick his forehead, "Shut up."


Mom: Yes my mother, your grandmother died last month. We know you two were close, but now that you are older you need to know she was a hero. Not like 'Omg she was a hero for saving everyone-' no, she was a secret undercover vigilante, but had many hero like morals and your grandfather was a villain. They both knew of each other and decided to keep things separate until that they couldn't they ended up killing each other.

A tear falls from Mother's face as she tries to stay strong and father holds her hand.

Dad: We have been informed that your grandmother, before her passing gave someone a very serious promise. A child in fact who is a few years older than you to look after you when we are gone. I will also be helping balance your quirk. In fact I might push you hard, too hard. Now that you are watching this video you probably hate me because of it, but I just don't want you to feel like you are unaccomplished or if you get into any trouble that you'd have to rely on your quirk all the time like the kids nowadays.

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