jack you're married.

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Zach was tying a sheet to the couch as Belle asked if they could camp in the living room tonight.

"There we go...how does it look on the inside Bee?" He asks.

"Needs some light..."

"I got you...be right back."

Jack was coming downstairs holding a bunch of pillows.

"Oh- sorry." Zach walks past him and gets in to his room.

Jack gets in sets the pillows down and the doorbell rings.

He had insisted on buying take out to let Zach rest a bit.


He grabs some money from his wallet and walks to the door.

"Good evening." He greets.

"Good evening sir, it'll be ten dollars please."

Jack hands the woman a twenty dollar bill.

"Keep the change and have a great day."

"Thank you so much sir."

Jack closes the door and walks to the kitchen.

Zach came running down the stairs with his pillow and some fairy lights from his room.

The brunet paces to the living room.

"Bee, look what I found girly." He smiles.

"These are so pretty!"

Zach chuckles and pecks her forehead.

"Wanna help me hang these up?"


The two carefully set the lights on the fort and start covering the floor and the pillows Jack brought.

"There we go...lemme go grab some blankets so we can cuddle princess."

"Yessss!" She says excitedly.

"Pick a movie for us to watch okay cutie?"

She nods.

Zach crawls out of the fort and he's faced with Jack holding two plates with a lot of pizza.

"Here you go, I'll go get the drinks." Jack smiles.

"Can you get the blankets too please?"

"Sure...do we need more pillows?"

Zach looks back.

"Nah...we're good."

"Are you sure? I brought Gabriela's pillow for you sleep in."

"Oh her pillow is too stiff...it kinda hurts my head...but I brought mine so it's okay, really."

"Sure thing...be right back. You two can start eating without me."

"We'll wait." He smiles softly and gets back to his spot.

Jack returns soon enough with everything they needed.

Belle was snuggled up in the right corner of the fort with Zach's head on his lap, talking to him as she played with his hair.

Jack smiled softly.

"Okay but like Aurora was clearly a heavy sleeper if she didn't wake up for one hundred years." Zach explains.

"Still...im a heavy sleeper and i wake up when there's thunder." She pouts.

Jack chuckles.

Zach turns to the side and sits up.

"Time to eat girly."

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