she hates me

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Belle and Gabriela were coming downstairs from the little girl's bath, who specifically asked for Gabriela's company.

Zach and Jack were already in the kitchen, talking while Zach finished breakfast.

"Dad!" Belle gasps.

"Morning baby." He chuckles.

"Your hair!" She says shocked.

"Do you like it?"

"I love it! You look so pretty!" She runs up to hug him tightly.

Zach sets the plates in the table.

"Thank you Belle."

"Morning Gabriela."

"What's that on your hair?" She looks at Jack, with disgust.

"Bleach, dye and a bit of hairspray, I'll admit." He shrugs.

She rolls her eyes, as Zach and Belle chuckle.

"Well, I love it...i think it suits you amazingly well."  Zach compliments as he sits down and hands his coffee to Jack.

"Thanks Z." He smiles.

They start eating in silence.

" gonna have to ask for a day off tomorrow...if you don't mind." Zach says quietly.

"May we know why?" Gabriela asks.

"Its uh...its my birthday tomorrow." He smiles softly.

"Oh my God! It is?" Belle gasps.

Zach nods.

"And you only tell us that now?" She protests.

"I didn't think it was too important Bee...its just my birthday." He shrugs.

"But birthdays are so cool! You get to eat cake and everything!Oh! we should bake you a cake!" She says excitedly.

"Annabelle...lower your tone." Gabriela says sternly.

Zach completely dismisses her.

"Oh Bee...that is so sweet, but there's no need to do that just another day."

Gabriela sends Zach a look.

"Don't call my daughter baby." She looks at him up and down.

Zach looks back at her.

"She consented to it...and she likes me calling her baby." He shrugs.

"Shes five...she can't give you consent."

"But I like him calling me baby! He's so nice to me...and he puts me to sleep like I am a baby." Belle argues.

"Annabelle, the adults are talking." Gabriel dismisses her.

Zach scoffs and rolls his eyes.

"Are you forgetting who pays you?"

The brunet smirks.

"I'm not...because it's Jack that pays me...and I don't see him being disturbed." He shrugs.

"I respect those who respect me...and you've been quite disrespectful towards me and Belle." He continues.

"Belle is my daughter. I treat her how I please."

"Oh so now she's your daughter? Didn't seem like it when you didn't call her for two months." Zach says sharply.

The brunet gets up.

"Now...if you excuse going outside to catch some air."

Belle gets up too.

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