what kind of stupid question was that!?

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two years and a few months have passed since the last chapter and boy yall are in for a treat.

The couple was more than happy together, just falling more in love with each other every day.

They were literally the happiest together, and everyone could clearly see that.

Zach went back to being a yoga teacher and he was more flexible than ever, and Jack was more than happy for that.

As for our sweet (now) eight year old Annabelle, she and Jordan were now the bestest of friends.

The little boy came over with his father every Saturday to play with the other boys.

And so did Miss Arrieta...she and Daniel started dating a few months after Belle's birthday.

Jonah and Corbyn were engaged, the first having proposed to him in New years eve.

But Jack and zach were still boyfriends.

Zach didn't want to pressure his lover but he was waiting desperately for him to propose.

He just wanted to wear the ring proudly.

And well, tonight he was in great luck.

The couple was on a cute little date in their living room, just like their first date.

Jack offered him a bouquet of pink roses as today was a special day and ordered the usual food they have from Rizzo's.

Belle was at Kristin's just praying that Zach says yes.

The curly head was on edge the whole week.

He was scared of Zach finding the ring so he took it everywhere.

But tonight was the night.

He was just praying that he would say yes.

"...and then Bethany, just was like Zach I'm eighty four I cannot bend my knees like that!"

He laughs.

But Jack wasn't laughing, he was admiring his lover.

His brunet fluffy hair that just looked so damn good on him, his cute laugh, his nails that were painted pink, matching Belle's blue nails, the way the fairy lights made him look even more beautiful.

"Jack...baby, were you listening?" The brunet pouts.

Jack suddenly got back to the real world.

"I'm sorry baby I was just lookin' at you, you look so gorgeous tonight." He says matter-of-factly.

The brunet blushed and nudged him.

Jack chuckles and pecks his hand.

"I love you."

"I love you too." Zach smiles.

Jack sets his food to the side and lays down.

"Babe is everything okay?"

Jack nods and closes his eyes.

"Are you gonna sleep?"

He shakes his head.

Jack takes a deep breath.

Zach puts his hand on Jack's forehead, worried that he might have a fever.

The curly head made him lay down on his chest.

"Baby...talk to me."

"I feel so damn happy next to you...you saved me baby...i wouldn't be here if it weren't for you."

"I just wanna see you happy babe...you know that."

"I know this is why this gonna be so hard to do."

The brunet sat up and looked at Jack confused.

Was he breaking up with him?

"What?" He asks quietly.

Jack sighs and sits up too.

"We've had a great time together...and you helped healing me from such traumatic events..."

The brunet didn't mind hearing the rest he has to say, his heart was already breaking.

"Are you breaking up with me?" He asks quietly, tears flowing down his eyes.

"What!? No! Of course not! Where did you get that idea from!?" Jack asks confused.

"we've had a great time together? you helped me? it seems like some break up speech." He says shyly.

Jack grabs his face.

"I'd be incapable of hurting you like this...why would I break up with the love of my life?"

The brunet shrugs.

"Then why are you giving this speech?"

Jack smiles and pulls him closer to him.

Zach wipes his tears and leans his head on Jack's shoulders.

"I want you to know how much I love you...i know I'm not very vocal about my feelings for you...but today is special."

The brunet hugs him.

"Sorry...i just like being with you." Zach pouts.

"And I love to spend my time with you baby...thats why I gotta do this."

Then it finally hit the brunet.

He was proposing.

"Zach...will you make me even happier and marry me?" Jack asks quietly.

The brunet looks up at him, teary eyed, about to sob his heart out.

He nods and hugs him tightly, not having it in him to speak.

Jack smiles widely and hugs him bad just as tightly.

"Baby lemme hear you say." He asks shakily.

Zach broke out of the hug and looked at him as he wiped his tears off.


Jack laughs as he wipes his own tears and takes out the ring for him.

Zach was bawling his eyes out as Jack slid the ring on his shaking hand.

The brunet crashed their lips together, making Jack lay down.

Luckily the floor was covered with pillows.

The curly head smiled widely into the kiss.

"I love you."

"I love you so much Jacky...you make me so happy." He whispers.

Zach straddled him and finally took a look at the ring.

It was a very simple ring. It was thin and it had three diamonds.

"Jack this is beautiful."

The curly head intertwined their fingers.

"Me and Bee chose it, just for you...Belle said the diamonds are us three."

The brunet pouts adorably and kisses Jack.

"I love you."

"I love you too baby...so much. You make me the happiest."

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