a fucking cheating bitch

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Jack parks the car and they both get out.

The curly head was wearing some some shorts, a tank top and some slides, as it still was incredibly hot.

Zach was wearing one of Jack's shirts and some shorts, paired with some slides too

They get in the convenience store and direct themselves to the hair products aisle.

Jack grabs the bleach and some platinum blond dye.

"That's the color?"

"Yeah...I like it, don't you?"

"I do baby, I think it will look amazing on you." He smiles fondly.

"You wanna dye your hair too?"

"Oh no, please I tried it once and it was not it."

Jack chuckles.

"You got everything we need?"

The curly head looks around and grabs some condoms.


The couple walks hand in hand to the cashier.

Zach grabs a chocolate bar and some candy.

"Goodnight...is that all?"

"Yes ma'am." Zach smiles softly.

"Eleven dollars please."

Zach grabs some money from his pocket before Jack could and paid for it.

"Have a great night." He says as he grabs the things.

"You too sirs."

The couple walks out the store.

"You didn't have to pay."

"Of course I did."

"No really, I still gotta pay you for the magnets."

"Why are you paying? Gabriela bought them and the fairies gave them to me."

"You know I love you but I'm twenty six...im a grown up."

They get in the car.

"Jack...i don't want you paying...you already spoil me enough and I'm paying you back."

"You shouldn't be covering for her shitty parenting."

"Baby we both know that it would break Bee's little heart...you saw how happy she was..."

Jack sighs as he makes his way back home, his hand firm on Zach's thigh.

"Is this so fucking hard...why does it have to be like that?" He hits the steering wheel.

"Is she even gonna understand why I'm divorcing Gabriela?"

"If you explain it to her...she will...shes a smart girl, you know that."

"I don't even know what to say to her...i can't just go hey your mother is a fucking cheating bitch so I'm getting the fuck away from her and taking you and Zach with me!"

"Oh- I'm coming with you?"

"I was hoping that you would...ya know? Just me, you and Belle in a smaller house with cute pictures of us three spread around the house-"

"Stop...that's adorable." Zach pouts.

"I'm just so happy with you two...i don't need a huge house or really nice stuff."

"Im happy with you and bee too...I'd be more than willing to move in with you."

Jack smiles cutely as he looks at the road.

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