two fucking minutes

353 22 117

Zach finishes cleaning the kitchen and heads upstairs, where Jack and Belle were getting dressed.

"Where are we going?" She asks Jack.

"We're picking mom up from the airport...she returns today."

Belle furrows her eyebrows and crosses her arms.

"I don't wanna go."She huffs.

"Baby, momma is coming back home...aren't you happy?"

"She didn't call! I'm mad at her."She sits down on the bed.

"Princess...dont you miss momma?"

"Did she miss me?"

"She did baby."

"Then why didn't she call!?" She raises her tone of voice.

"Annabelle Victoria, lower your talking quietly to you." Jack says sternly, his volume was low.

As much as he loved her, respect is a good thing.

"I don't wanna go." She says quietly.

Jack sits down next to her.

"Listen...i know you're mad at mom, and you have every right to be angry at her...but please don't make this harder for already stressing over this Belle...I need you to cooperate."

"I'm not talking to momma...she has to go into timeout."

"And I will let her know that you're mad."

She nods and puts on her overalls on her own.

Zach gets in the room, ready to leave.


Belle buttons the overalls.

"I just need my shoes." she says quietly as she opens her closet doors to grab some sandals.

Zach furrows his eyebrows.

"Is everything okay Bee?"

"I'm mad at mom because she didn't call...she probably isn't even bringing cool magnets to put in the fridge."

Zach sat on the perfectly made bed, next to Jack.

"A little fairy told me that she bought you so many cool magnets...and you know what they say..."

"Fairies never lie."She completes his sentence.

" Exactly baby...are we ready to go now? "

She nods excitedly.

" Last one to the car is a rotten egg!" Belle giggles, as runs out of the bedroom.

" I don't know how you do it...but you do it. "

"It wasn't me, it was the fairies." He winks and gets up.

"Now, you heard what she said...last one to the car is a rotten egg." He runs out of the room.

"Hey! Not fair!"


"look! the moon! it's so pretty tonight!" Belle says excitedly as they get inside the airport.

The two smile.

Jack sighs happily.

"This girly sure does love the moon."

"She does."

"She was born in a full moon actually...i think that's where she gets her love for the moon."

Zach awns.

"That's adorable."

The three finally get to Gabriela's gate.

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