Words (4. Bölüm)

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A/N: There will be 2 chapters for bölüm 4: this first one is Nazlı's difficult visit to Ferit's office, and his brooding that night as he ponders his changing feelings - there's a link to the song used for that scene, have a listen. Next chapter, the lovely 'Dolunay var' garden scene :)

Nazlı forced her feet to keep moving, one in front of the other, taking her inexorably closer to the offices of Pusula Holdings. She kept up the brisk clip she'd set herself, knowing that with the slightest hesitation she'd turn around and walk away. The only allowed expression of her nerves was for her hands to wring, squeezing and releasing in a vaguely reassuring pressure.

What kind of angry would he be? A cold fury, retreating behind his mask like the other morning? Or would he let it show, scald her with hot rage and burning words?

Whatever it would be, she had to tell him. How could she look him in the eye, look Bulut in the eye, and not say it? Not say that Bulut was recovering from the biggest trauma of his life in the home of strangers because of what Asuman had done, because her own sister valued money over everything else? Not confess that by inviting Nazlı into their lives it had also meant opening their door to such troubles?

She ignored the voice telling her to run away and marched on.


A quarter of an hour later, Nazlı was sitting on a sofa next to Iqbal Hanım in an office which reflected its owner - elegant, masculine, imposing. The room was flooded with light from the huge windows covering the one wall, and the shiny, dark wood desk on the other side was meticulously organised, everything in its place, careful and controlled.

Iqbal Hanım and Nazlı both looked up at Ferit Bey's sudden, somewhat un-controlled entrance, closing the door roughly behind him. He started pacing around the sofas, his hands clenched. Nazlı could almost see the frustration coursing through his body, every muscle tight.

'Ferit Bey, did something happen?' Iqbal Hanım tentatively asked.

'No, that's the problem, nothing is happening. The lawyers say it's nothing to do with them and insist that the papers were duplicated while in our possession, but that copy has only been in this office and my house. So we have a spy, who sits and watches us, hiding while we look for someone to blame.' Nazlı looked down, feeling the guilt try to work its way out of her via the tears gathering behind her eyes. 'Iqbal Hanım, we can't continue like this, we must find something.'

'Ferit Bey, I will find who did this, please don't worry.' She spoke with the confidence Nazlı knew was not unfounded. This was a woman who would pursue her mission. She had to say it, she had to speak before it was taken out of her hands and they found out by their own means.

'Please do. Find who did this and punish them in the worst way. I will make them regret it.' Nazlı felt her blood run cold, and had no doubt that he meant it. He wouldn't stop until he discovered the truth. And he wouldn't go easy on whoever he found. Tell him, Nazlı!

Seeming to realise that Nazlı was still there, Iqbal Hanım stood up and changed the subject.

'By the way, Ferit Bey, we found a gift for the Nakatanis, would you like to see it?'

Ferit Bey seemed to take a breath, dropped his shoulders, and turned to Nazlı.

'If you chose it with Nazlı Hanım, then I don't need to see it.' Iqbal Hanım gave a crisp nod and walked out, closing the door quietly behind her.

Ferit Bey turned to her. 'I'm sorry, Nazlı, I was upset.'

I'm about to make it worse. I'm sorry. Please forgive me one day.

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