Special thing on my mind (6. Bölüm)

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A/N: swoony Ferit Bey geldi 😍 I love this little collection of scenes from their morning together and wanted to put them into words, and there's my own additional scene at the end - just a bit of a 'have a good day, honey' kind of scene to complement the sweet 'honey, I'm home' vibe we got later (which stupid Deniz interrupted). As always, I truly appreciate your votes and comments!

I like the way that you believe in me
You give me strength and harmony
By the way, if I haven't said it
You're my world
You're my everything

'You're Special', Bill Baylis & Simon Stewart

His colour was so much better, Nazlı thought, watching Ferit Bey rifle through his records in the salon, his vitality restored. He was always tall and broad and seemed to take up more than his fair share of the space in a room, but to see his energy so stifled had been strange and discomforting.

There was a light-heartedness about him this morning too, as though some weight had been lifted from his shoulders. Her breakfast definitely helped, her omelettes were excellent if she said so herself.

The coffee machine finished gurgling and she picked up the mugs to carry them through to him, just as he cleaned a record and dropped it onto the player with a flourish - there was a distinct pride to the way he did it, like he was excited to show her something.

He turned to her, eyes bright, eager to show off his toy, and for a moment only height and hair colour distinguished dayı from Bulut. 'Look, this was made in Chicago in 1975. It's hard to find this kind of recording these days. You can ask Deniz, he knows about that kind of thing.'

'No need, I trust you,' she smiled. Oh yeah, a good chunk of pride there. Strange, she'd been dusting the records every day but hadn't truly connected them to him, hadn't considered that he'd have favourite songs or enthusiasms. It was oddly sweet to see him like this.

'Let's see if you like it too. Close your eyes to listen, if you want.'

Close her eyes? While he was standing right there watching? A glance at his face showed he was completely serious though.


It was gratifying that she agreed so readily - there was an inherent trust implied in allowing someone to watch you while your eyes were closed. An intimacy.

Nazlı was always such a whirlwind of energy, her face bright and expressive, but it was nice to be able to admire her freely while she was so still. With her dark hair waving gently around the smooth oval of her face, her small nose, her soft, pink mouth, her big eyes, she was pretty like a doll - yet he knew it hid a core of steel. This was a strong woman who'd shown time and again that she was perfectly capable and unafraid to go toe-to-toe with him, and the contradictions were appealing.

Her lips curved into a smile and she started swaying slowly to the music as the percussion struck up and the sound grew richer, filling the room.

'It's beautiful,' Nazlı said, the pleasure clear on her face even with her eyes closed, and he smiled to see it. That night in the garden when she'd gotten carried away talking about her love for Japanese culture she'd been fascinating, glowing - it felt good to reciprocate and share this part of himself and to have her respond like this.

I like the way that you believe in me, you give me strength and harmony
By the way if I haven't said it, you're my world, you're my everything

He'd never given much credence to the lyrics of the song before: could one person be everything to another? He'd always dismissed it as wild romanticism, something to sell songs and books and films but that had no place in reality.

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