Battle of Börek (9. Bölüm)

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A/N: the war really starts up in bölüm 10 with Contract Gate, but I felt like more went on after that swimming pool scene (🔥⁠)⁠, so here's some more NazFer bickering. I like the idea that Nazlı always wants Ferit to like her food and gets a bit fixated on that while avoiding the actual issue 😆⁠ As always, I so appreciate all your votes and comments! ⁠😊⁠

Shots Fired

He'd 'had better'? Something was 'missing'?

He thought he could insult her börek, then ask her to prepare a picnic for Ceyda?


Nazlı took another vicious bite of her excellent börek.

Pff, there were pastry chefs all over Istanbul who wept when she refused to share her börek recipe. They begged, and pleaded, offered her top marks in whichever class they taught, and she refused, because there was no value which could be placed on her honour, on the integrity of a Nazlı Pinar recipe. None!

Everyone loved her börek. Everyone. Ferit Bey was a liar.

And what are you, Nazlı?



Hearing Ferit Bey start a phone call in the living room, Nazlı reached into the cupboard and pulled out some pans, setting them on the work surface with a satisfying clang.

The voice in the living room paused for a second, then continued.

Bumping the cupboard door closed with a flourish of her hand, she bent down to fetch something from the lower cupboard, letting that wallop onto the counter as well and using her hip to bash the door closed again.

A brief clearing of a throat sounded from the other room.

Turning to the fridge, various of the more sturdy items sailed through the air and landed with a thwack onto the work surface, followed by the sound of the glass bottles in the fridge door rattling dangerously as it swung shut from a flick of her shoulder.

Several seconds of silence before the talking resumed.

Smirking, Nazlı grabbed the big knife and hacked it through several vegetables with great relish but little care for the chopping board underneath. The chunks bounced into the blender, the lid was crammed on, and the joyfully grinding sound of blitzing hard root vegetables filled the room.

'Ikbal Hanım, I will call you back in a few moments.'

The sound of footsteps coming down the hallway were accompanied by a thrilled little flutter, but Nazlı focussed on the blender. One shouldn't over blitz, it was truly very important to pay attention.


'Hmm? Oh! Ferit Bey, you startled me, I was so busy.' She paused the blender. 'Yes, may I help you with something?'

He took a breath and gave a controlled smile. 'Would you mind keeping the noise to a minimum, please? I'm making some important phone calls.'

She pasted on a concerned expression. 'I'm sorry, Ferit Bey, but it's important not to hinder the creative process in any way. Inspiration must happen freely, cooking is as much an art as a science, you know. And I wouldn't want to provide you and your... guest... with anything less than excellence.'

He didn't respond. There was a brief, still moment of steady eye contact, before Nazlı switched the blender back on.

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