Sonu Olmasın (12. Bölüm)

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A/N: I always loved this scene, it felt so utterly romantic (let's ignore Deniz being a creepy voyeur). So here's a little extra, and some small scenes of Nazlı getting her own way (to counteract the slightly troublesome way Ferit inserted himself into the restaurant biz - but this is fiction so I'll allow it ;)) Really hope you enjoy!

To my constant disappointment, the song from this scene - Cobwebs and Rainbows - is not available to stream, but the link to the YouTube clip is above if you want to listen and swoon like I do! Especially as I make use of the lyrics in this chapter.

Cobwebs in the rain
Making patterns as we walk down lovers lane
Seems that each new step is somehow preordained
I've not travelled this way before

He'd never believed in fate. The concept that some unknown force determined his life didn't sit well with him - he went after what he wanted and made it happen through hard work and force of will.

But right now, in this moment, something felt preordained... Like he was meant to stand here with Nazlı in his arms in this quiet, glowing place on a dark evening, this place they were going to build together.

She leaned into him more, her hands locked at the small of his back, her chest rising and falling with his. He could feel a goofy smile spreading over his face. Ferit rested his cheek on top of her head, twining a lock of her hair around his fingers. She settled against him, fitting perfectly into the Nazlı-shaped space within him.

Rainbows in the sky
Seem forever but we know by-and-by
That they fade just like some dreams passing by
Love seemed like that before

This was uncharted territory - his past relationships had faded into obscurity in the shadow of whatever it was that constantly pulled he and Nazlı together. There were plenty of obstacles left: uncertainty still hovered between them, and for every agreement there were two disputes, for every peaceful moment there was a tease or a wind up.

Since I found you there's no doubt left in my heart
I've cleared all the cobwebs away
I see it clearly so we don't need any chart
No tarot cards, no dice
No crystal set in ice

Yet he'd never thought this kind of intimacy had even existed. It cleared away the cobwebs, and whispered crazy, romantic notions that everything he wanted, everything he needed, was here in his arms. The weight of her head against his chest, a comfort; the strength of her arms around his waist, a support; the jasmine scent of her in his nose, a peace.

Not that long ago, they had been strangers. Now he knew everything he needed to know.

An unspoken cue made them both raise their heads to look directly into one another's faces. She was soft and starry, lit with a rainbow of colours from the fairy lights.

Starlight in the night
Shining down upon our love as it takes flight
It just seems that with some passing luck
We might find all that we've had before
And, some more

Craving another point of contact with her skin, he brought his hand up to caress her throat while the smooth fall of her hair blanketed his wrist. He smiled down at her.

'Will you tell me about your wish? One day?'

Disappointment jabbed as her arms loosened around his waist. But instead of moving away she brought her hands up to rest over his heart, as though she knew it was trying to escape from his chest. But she kept it safe, her palm bringing gentle pressure and glowing heat.

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