Guilt trips and watermelons (5. Bölüm)

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A/N: a brand new scene this time: Ferit and Nazlı's little shopping trip. Shout-out to Şeref Abi who seemed as impressed with Ferit Bey's physique as I was 😆 This is really the first new dialogue I've written for Nazlı and Ferit - your comments welcome as always

It was funny that she thought she'd played him.

Nazlı sat in the passenger seat next to him, chirpy and pleased with herself, watching the neighbourhood whoosh by as he sped towards town, and providing a little running commentary on the activity on the street.

'Ah, Melihat Hanım changed her hair colour, very well done, it suits her... Tut, abi, what are you doing cutting down that beautiful tree, what a shame... especially when you ought to be focusing on your vegetable beds, look at them...'

A smile pulled at the corner of Ferit's mouth. The whole performance in the kitchen had been impressive: how if it were her kitchen she would fill it with delicious ingredients from which would spring gourmet meals whenever the fancy arose. But, alas, it was not her kitchen, she was merely the employee and he was the boss and each must fulfil their own work... But, oh, it was so hot outside... But it was her duty...

He knew very well she was deliberately pulling his strings. The surprise was that he'd allowed it.

For a reason he couldn't quite pinpoint he'd decided to work from home after how Nazlı had raved about the peacefulness of his house, and he thought to offer the small gesture of freedom with the menu as a thank you for helping with Bulut last night. And, admittedly, because he was curious to see how she worked in the kitchen, how those small, capable hands made magic.

Instead he'd willingly gone along with her game and here he was heading to the shops in the middle of the working day, listening to Nazlı pass judgement on the hideous newly-delivered sofa which may or may not fit through the door of number thirty three. It was oddly enjoyable, hearing her ramblings, and suddenly he was back in the garden last night, watching her laugh in surprise that he'd shown appreciation for her chatter.

'Though, you'll never appreciate me for not knowing when to shut up.'

He hadn't known what to say, stuck on how his instinctive reaction to her comment was to disagree. To want to say that watching her face light up in excitement, as the glow of the moon highlighted every curve and shadow, had inspired a feeling stronger than appreciation. So he'd simply looked at her. And she'd looked back. And the silence had stretched into something neither of them seemed to know how to-

'Ferit Bey, can we put the top down?' Nazlı's voice dragged him back to the present.

He slanted her a disbelieving look. 'Really? I thought it was too hot for you today? Do you not want the AC instead?'

'For shame, Ferit Bey! Who could choose air con over a real breeze? An Istanbul breeze at that. I'd much rather the real thing. Besides, it's good to feel a real wind rushing over you. It can take away worries for a while... like the air at the viewpoint where you used to fly your paper planes.'

He paused, glancing over slightly incredulously. 'You remember that?'

'Of course, I remember everything you said that afternoon.' She looked over at him innocently.

'You're beautiful. If that's what you're worried about.'

As their eyes met Ferit could tell that the same memory had jumped to her mind, judging by the rosy blush that bloomed on her cheeks.

'I mean, it had been a difficult day, you know, such things aren't easy to forget....' Her eyes darted away. 'Ah, shall we have the radio on?' She leaned forward to fiddle with the dash, allowing her hair to fall forward and hide her pink face.

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