Cold hard combat (6. Bölüm)

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A/N: there'll be a few chapters for Bölüm 6 because I love it, but also it's a real turning point for Ferit - at the start of the episode he's feeling kind of raw, realising more that he's truly drawn to Nazlı but he tries to pull away again... Then he gets sick and somehow sees the light because by the end of the episode he's evidently made a decision to turn on the charm and act on the chemistry!

I like this park scene with Alya, so wanted to dig into it just a little: I think she prompts him to consider the 'combative' comment and why he retreats when confronted with 'something true'. There's also a tiny addition of my own at the end of the scene. As always, your votes are so appreciated and comments very welcome 😊 

He was actually quite grateful that his arse was freezing.

It had been a draining day - keeping up high spirits for Bulut, playing happy families when right now they were anything but, Hakan and Demet turning up uninvited. And that talk with Nazlı...

Until today Ferit hadn't been able to push the words past the knot of grief in his throat with anyone... but he'd talked about Zeynep. Maybe it was being in that place - his childhood home, where he'd played cards and made paper boats and bickered with his big sister, never imagining that there'd ever be a day without her. He had no idea where it had all come from, but suddenly, with Nazlı looking at him with patient, dark eyes, he'd needed to tell her, had wanted to tell her.

Now, that conversation was like the concrete ledge he was currently perched on: uncomfortable and something he'd probably regret. But right now, sitting here with his backside on a freezing, hard surface was keeping him awake after one very long day. And also giving him a good view to observe the... interactions between his companions.

Nazlı and Deniz were currently at the rice stand, arguing over who needed a bigger portion, completely at ease, and he flashed back to that car ride this afternoon, the pair of them hanging out the window in the breeze. They'd arrived together too. They got on very well-


He realised he'd fully turned his head to watch them when he turned back to Alya at her calling.

'Come and sit over here, you'll get cold there.'

He got up obligingly and went over to the bench, sitting at an angle to still be able to look over. They were taking a long time to get chicken and rice.

'Just as I thought,' Alya said in her gentle voice.


'I'm talking about Nazlı. I can see you like her.' He turned back to Alya's steady gaze.

He didn't hesitate. 'I think you need more fresh air, you've still not come to your senses.'

Alya smiled, completely unconvinced. 'I'm perfectly well. I just know you, it's so obvious. Love is in the air.'

She spoke so matter-of-factly and with such glee that Ferit couldn't help but look away with a rueful smile, before it swiftly turned to a grimace. Few people could fool Alya, and he wasn't sure he was one of them.

They both watched Nazlı and Deniz for a moment. Was there something going on with the ketchup now?

'I'll say something. One last thing,' Alya promised. Ferit reluctantly turned back to her, and she looked him right in the eye. 'Deniz is only a friend to Nazlı. Nothing could happen between them. I only say that to tell you that there's nothing to worry about.'

'Are you going to change the topic, or shall I leave?' He felt positively itchy with this conversation.

'That's exactly like you. When someone says something true you want to retreat and hide inside yourself. Only a combative man does that.' She wore another confident smile and he paused for a moment.

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