Cravings (11. Bölüm)

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A/N: this time, some new scenes to follow on from that undeniably romantic walk and omelette-flirting at the hotel. I wanted more of what was essentially a date - so here is more! An unintentionally long chapter, I hope you like it. As always, your votes and comments mean so much! 🥰

He was not jealous of a fork. What a ridiculous, whimsical thought.

He was just a little... preoccupied watching the same piece of silverware that had just been in his mouth move up to Nazlı's. Watching her lips close around the bite of omelette and pull it off the tines into the heat of her mouth, watching the line of her throat ripple as she swallowed.

There was a little burst of warmth in his chest as she smiled and did a little food-happy shoulder-shimmy.

There was no word for it other than 'cute'.

For God's sake, Ferit, get a grip.

Seemingly oblivious of his sudden cutlery obsession, Nazlı beamed up at him with a self-satisfied grin.

'You're right, I'll say it myself: it's perfect. I'm amazing.'

He couldn't help but smile. 'True.'

That little flicker in her eyes indicated that she'd caught on to the meaning behind his agreement, how close they were standing, how he'd been watching her mouth. Cue aversion in three, two...

'But this is your omelette! I shouldn't eat all of it - have some more!'

Predictably enough, she forked up another bite and zoomed it towards his face.

'Nazlı, I'm fi-' the words were stopped when she unceremoniously stuffed the piece of omelette into his mouth. 'Mmm, fank-oo,' he managed.

Well, he'd been craving an omelette from her for ages, it was an excellent omelette, and he'd won it fair and square. He leaned back to finish the rest while Nazlı quickly washed up the pan then turned back to take the plate from him with a pleased smile, seeing he'd polished off the whole thing.

'So, were your meetings with Nakatani Bey productive?

'Yes, we've come to a mutually-beneficial arrangement. Not that it was ever truly in doubt, I knew how it would play out.'

She threw him a sassy look. 'How could you know how it would play out? What if Nakatani had a trump card up his sleeve?'

He resisted a scoff. 'Unlikely. I do my homework, I know the subject and I know how to convince them.'

Nazlı looked thoughtful, and sauntered back towards him while drying her hands, that impish look on her face tipping him off that he was about to be teased.

'But what if they're determined to thwart the great Ferit Aslan, to not let you have what you want?' she asked, her voice light and eyes wide in mock fear.

'I do what I have to do to ensure a favourable outcome.'

He watched as she considered that and leaned down to brace his forearms on the counter to meet her eye level, invading her space a little more, the sleeve of his jacket not quite brushing the bare skin on her arm. 'You know what they say: all is fair in love and war.'

For a beat there was only silence and that damn jasmine scent filling the space between them as she stared back, a flash of wariness crossing her face.

Too much. Back off a bit.

Nazlı blinked those brown eyes and looked away, sweeping invisible crumbs off the counter. 'Well... I don't know whether all is fair in love and war - or business for that matter - but I can appreciate not leaving things to fate. I've always worked for the outcome I want. As my father always says, the best person to rely on is yourself.'

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