Ve Hala (13. Bölüm)

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A/N: I'm back! Sorry for the long delay: life 🙁, but here we are in the in-between stage - no longer cautious friends-and-more, but not yet fake-married allies. Ferit is still angry but can't get away from his feelings, and I think Nazlı is stuck in guilty-yet-defensive. Here's a little extra for the trip to the aquarium, after Cupid Bulut made it happen. I struggled with this chapter for some reason even though it got me going again, but I hope you enjoy, and as always, your votes, comments, ideas are so welcome!

'What's that one called?' Bulut's curls bounced up and down as he did.

'Which one?' Ferit leaned down to see at the same level as Bulut.

'That one, the one that looks like a frisbee!'

'Ah, that's a stingray.'

'Whooooa, it's so weird.' Bulut's eyes were saucer-sized in fascination.

Ferit chuckled. 'Dangerous too.'

A little girl bounded up, gesturing excitedly to Bulut. 'Bulut come quick, I saw a huuuuge fish!'

'Go on, quick!' Ferit encouraged Bulut with a jerk of his chin.

Watching Bulut scuttle off, Nazlı couldn't help but grin. 'He really loves it here.'

'I do too.' He was looking around with what, on anyone else, would be called wide-eyed wonder, eyes following the dark shapes as they swooped around behind the glass. Another moment of unexpected similarity between uncle and nephew.

'Ah yes, you like fish - it's a good thing you didn't bring your fishing rod or you'd have a field day and the aquarium would be left empty.'

'I never said I didn't bring it.' The grin broke out, poking needle-sharp at her chest. 'It's like a different world here.'

'Yes, but a scary world. You never know where a threat could come from. Constant danger.' Shadows loomed in the dark depths of the tanks, no doubt with teeth that wouldn't be visible until it was too late. She almost shivered.

'It's not that different out of the water either. The world we live in, it's full of danger.' He side-eyed her. 'And it can come from the most unexpected places.'

And just like that, the fragile ceasefire that had reigned since they'd reluctantly allowed Bulut to tow them towards the tour guide wobbled, wafer thin.

Nazlı could feel the defensiveness rising like hackles, even as she knew she had no right to snipe back. She turned to face him anyway.

'Ah. I was wondering when we'd get back around to me.'

He mirrored her posture, rotating to face her and stepping closer at the same time, hands casually in pockets. 'It's always been about you, Nazlı. From the first day. Always you.'

He paused, looking directly at her, and her heart seemed to get stuck in her throat. What... what was he saying? Was he...?

'But now, it's difficult.'

The tiny spark of hope sizzled out. 'To forgive?'

'To forgive,' he confirmed.

The words started spilling out without much thought. 'Sometimes it's the most difficult thing. Because in forgiving there is some forgetting. Some hope. Some letting go of emotions. Some...' The four-letter word stalled on her lips, refusing to be given voice. 'Lots of things. That's why it's so difficult. But after overcoming that, forgiveness is good for the one who forgives.'

She had no right to lecture him about forgiveness, especially when it was based in her own selfish need to know that he didn't hate her. But there was also some part of her that wanted him to let go of the anger for his own sake. He piled so much weight on his own shoulders, and he would remember this betrayal every time he thought about trusting again. Intended or not, that's how it would pan out.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2023 ⏰

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